Friday, August 30, 2024

Who Are You?


Staying in the moment of sacred bliss just a little bit longer, Baba!

Just as ready, I am for this Big Change that is approaching either It will be WW3 or I will depart this life hopefully for good, this time. It is called the end of the Kali Yuga, the final age of destruction and resurrection, I am just a witness, I am just pure consciousness in the form of skin and bones, 'dancing with their fathers and mothers, the sons and daughters and they dance along....

They called me the Yard Boss at H and H Ship and Environmental Services, a facility located on the San Francisco Water Front. The whole area is now being converted into the SF Giants Ball Park. Now there's a story worth telling my grand children if I ever have any. 

I was a farmer once, the man outstanding in his field.! The organic farm at the foothills of kampung Lintang, in Belantik Dalam, Sik, Kedah. The devil is in the details they say. SRI LOVELY the place is called and I visitted it with my Autralian brother Ben last week. 

I have stood within the citadel of ancient Rome and was awed.

I was the Black Sheep {Ship} of the family, the mixed up kid. Nothing sacred and nothing blasphemous, all was as it should be. I spent my teenage years in the East Coast State of Terengganu For three years i worked as a Health and Safety officer at the Patronas Refinery site in Kerteh and later in Gebeng, Pahang. 

I have been reminded of my ancestry by none other the Lord Ravana Himself in Jogja, Indonesia. My Grand Father, Paul Mariano was from Sri Lanka.
I had the best Fondue made for me in Giswil, Switzerland by my second son who lives in Switzerland.

I raised my two children in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Ca. My family lived two blocks from the Park on 2nd. and Balboa and the Park was my children's playground. I enjoyed Babysitting.

I have done my share of sharing with young and old in the course of my journey. I don't think I make a good regular school art teacher but i enjoy teaching every chance i had. Otherwise i teach by example and just by being there drawing sketching or writing had drawn many attentions.

I have smiled at the world in Bali while my wife laid in bed in a Home with Rapid Dementia in Illinois. I reused to be sucked into depression of feeling sorry for myself with my wife's illness some things in life are just meant to be and there is not much one can do about it. It was not just my karma nor my wife's, itwas also my children's and their grandmother's karma that played out and I had made my choice. 

I had left my legacy on my eldest son's wall in his living room in Dubai, he was flying for Emirates Air and i tasted the 'good things' in life. 

And, Who Are You? Have you got a story to share?

They called me, "The Fisher of Men," simply because i was not cut out to be a fisherman out in the Bering Sea of the Pacific Northwest. I a crew member of the fishing vessel, The Iceland one of the oldest boats out of Sandpoint, Alaska. Yes, Sir as they say and i hate to keep saying it, the Devil is in the can I forget the Ghost Ship of Unimak Pass! I spent almost two years at Sandpoint, Alaska, living among the Aleuts and fishermen from the lower 49 every fishing season. 

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