Wednesday, August 21, 2024

SRI LOVELY - part 2 - From a humble Beginning - 2012


Tuan Haji Marzuki was one of those responsible in the setting up of the SRI LOVELY organic farm and through him much of the Government assistance towards the project was procured. He was a very religious man and his Prescence was very stabilizing and highly spiritually charged. This spiritual energy was needed in order to tame the place from it being in a wild untamed environment.   

Kapten Zakaria Amantasha is still the stalwart director of the SRI LOVELY project whose organizational skills and leadership has kept the project alive and flourishing till this date. The Captain who actually was at time a Major in the Malaysian Arm Forces and held the rank of Battalion Commander leading the United Nations Security Forces in Kosovo during the Serbian conflict. He is a man of unique intelligence and determination, an undoubted leader in whatever he chose to undertake. 

When i first arrived at the farm sometime in 2012, there were small huts scattered around build out of mostly bamboo and atap roof and most were in poor state of disrepair and unoccupied except for those used by the local workers who were mostly from the nearby village of Belantik. 

Today more upgraded chalets have replaced these older huts and the facility has seen much growth and improvement making it more safer and comfortable for those who visit the place from foreign countries. However the rustic and living at the edge of the Malaysian forest charm still can be experienced from the moment one wakes up to the sound of gibbons high up in the tall chengal trees and a cacophony birds singing from all around you. It is still a welcome change for those who are looking to experience a rustic life in this modern age.  

Here one is also able to share an authentic Malay culture in the form of food and attend a wedding or two if one is lucky. 
However the main attraction to this facility is being involved in the process of growing the organic rice which is the primary intention of the farm. Learn how rice is grown from a single seedling to become a large clump of rice. 

Learn how to become acquainted with getting one's body and mind soaked into the mud while toiling under the noonday sun.

The Kapten and his wife are till this day still playing the roll of parents to all the young visitors sharing their love and understanding while making any visitor feel at home.

In the evening one can enjoy sharing experiences of travels and of one's home country with fellow visitors and volunteers.

When it gets too hot a dip in the nearby river will guarantee to cool you down

There is so much lessons to be learned and the 'Kapten' is without doubt a man full of knowledge about not only how to grow organic rice but about life itself.

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