Thursday, August 08, 2024

So - on we go...into what is Fear"


Taking the road to nowhere  ended up in the foothills of Kampung Lintang, about three Kilometers from the main road of the Belantik, and Sik in Kedah. The Malaysian rice bowl.  "It's a Long long Roadd...from which there is no return.. that leads us to where who knows where?"  It took about two hours to drive from Georgetown to Lintang depending on who is driving off course. It's worth it if you are looking to take a break from the humdrum and hussle and bussle of the City life.. if you feel like some natural chilling out... the drive is more than worth it.
Simply put the location on your, SRI LOVELY on the GPS and have some food and beverages in the trunk and before you know it, it is the Farm. It is not the Green Gulch Farm but it had the same energy that drew my attention and kept me there for two months instead of two days as intended. 

I needed to understand what 'Fear' was, was one of my main intention of making this trip with the Kancil. I spent my first two nights camping by the Empangan Muda or the Muda Dam located at a small town of Gubir, a few Kilometers from Kota Aur and next door to the Pedu Dam. 

What happened on the two nights of my stay by the Dam which was over flowing was what horror stories are written from, that and pure ignorance I fled the place with three fingers swollen from the hot wax that i had dipped them into upon waking up at midnight and I even checked my watch on this while in the car, it was exactly midnight. I must havr written this earlier in my Blog, however the gist of the matter was that i spent two nights alone at the edge of the overflowing Muda Dam and was given a first class experience of what fear was!

I had pitched my tent inside a hut that stood a feet below the water level my car was parked a feet from the hut with its front wheels already in the water and I was left alone with no one in the whole area. I learned this only after i have decided to camp there, that everyone left after dark, back to their homes. I was left alone in Gubir and they said a young Chinese girl had died while staying at the guest house located on the other end of the road from where i was. The first night I kept hearing footsteps walking around my tent and followed a rasping scratching sound across the canvass of my tent. It was spooky and I was scared shitless, but i stepped out of the tent and investigated, nothing. After a few times I decided to shout it out! "I am tired! I need to sleep so, fuck you do what you will cause i don't give a shit!" I fell asleep till the sunrise.

On the second night i woke up with the feeling of being burnt alive in my tent which had caught on fire in the inside from the floor. As i sat upright immediately i placed the palm of my right hand into a hot liquid wax that was burning on the floor right next to my feet I was hocked and noticed a large bottle of water by the door and grabbed it and showered the flames. Then I spring on my feet out of the tent anf into the car! Looking at my watch like someone asked me to, I noticed the time to exactly midnight and I can never forget the feeling...what next? Fear! It was a very painful experience it was also an initiation into what fear was club. Fear of the unknown fear of being alone, fear of having no return trip, fear of not knowing what is true and what is not, fear of telling lies to one self and of giving greater hope to the soul when there is none .Fear! Fear of abandoning all hope at the Gates of Hell! Fear; who is afraid?

It was the primeval calling of the small kampung located on the slopes of the hills at the edge of the forest, the calling touched my soul and I felt I was called to service. Here was place that was in need of a helping hand, some gung-ho muscles and zen-like approach, what could go wrong? I always begin my work with 'House Keeping', I earned the Respect and dedication of my peers at the H&H Ship Services in San Francisco for six years as "The Yard Boss" through 'Good Housekeeping'.

or officially the Yard Superintendent answerable only to the President of the Company for six years and it was through being a "House Keeper" and the Devil is still in the details, you just have to have interest in such trivia that you might get the gift of the story. If not don't worry stay cool and stay calm and make believe that is is all not happening ...I started cleaning up the place. I cut and I weed and i burn day and night while my three fingers hurt like a SOB! Nha! call it what you like i was out of my mind or I was not all together there while i was putting myself through these situations like I was a Paranormal Investigator of sort with my own stories to tell on  my own Podcast on YouTube some day! Why not, I can dream can't I?" If you find my dream is boring you can always wake up.  

Gaining the trust and respect of  strangers especially when your presence was in question, this is where one practice self giving rather than self serving, practice to not be intimidated by negativity and it is one of the reasons of your presence to deal with..."I want Harmony in the Yard!" Bill Harris Senior looked at me in the eyes and spoke and I told him, "You make me the Yard Boss I will give you Peace and Harmony in the Yard and then Some and I did. 

The Captain and His Family.

Those who answered the call to making it happen for the Farm.

                                        It is always good to remember of our humble beginning. This was the original kitchen and dining place.

And we learned by trials and errors to make it happen through the best of possible ways, through blood, sweat and tears, through mud and rain, The whole Lintang Valley became 'a field of dreams' for all those who came to the place through chance or preordained, SRI LOVELY is no bout in my book, a Highly charged healing place... and purely organic. #srilovely

You just build it Capt. they will come... and they came and kept coming from all over the world.

Sukardi was the Capt's right hand man and they used to serve in the same regiment with the Capt. being a Major. There was a love hate relationship between the two and i felt it but there was also a deep sense of respect between an officer and his subordinate. Sukardi was always out there tilling the land deep in mud and sweat. We became very good friends. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull place and people,,,Ben xxx