Thursday, August 01, 2024

Terengganu - part 4 - the AUR Studio


On this trip to Kuala Terengganu one of the pleasant experience was meeting a fellow artist who has a studio at the Pulau Duyong Astaka or Food Court. His name is Taib Our and he  was originally from Taiping, Perak. Taib is a very talented and professional artist on the way to becoming a member of the who is who in the Malaysian Art Circle, he is just waiting to be officially discovered. ##pulauduyong #taibaur

One rarely finds rich Malays who are Patrons of the Arts like the Chinese. Although most Malays appreciate art and are mostly inclined towards being receptive towards the creative process of life, it is rare to find those who has the means to become financial supports towards the plight of artists and their needs to survive and thus it is not a common thing to find artist who are dependent upon their works to stay afloat.  

Making connections for people through chance meeting gives me great pleasure as I watch and listen to them sharing their differences in how they make their living and their ups and down in treading this path that we call life. Here folks from the west coast who came for the wedding got a chance to meet got to know a Bonafede Artist with a humble beginning.

One Taib's water color painting that caught my eye is the one done of Awie's Yellow House which to me captured the essence of the place that my late friend Awie had left behind as his legacy on Pulau Duyong. Today this legacy has been swept away by neglect and the Yellow House is left in shambles. #awiyellowhpuse

It was my hope that by introducing these folks that they would learn to appreciate the diversities of life and the beauty of the creative spirit in all and what we do. Malaysian educational system has pushed  the Arts Discipline into the corner in most schools citing that it is a frivolous endeavor and a waste of fundings and only those in the right places such as colleges and Universities arts department and those with 'good' connections gets the opportunity to explore and exploit the artistic field. I felt bein choked and strangled in my creativity by those who I trusted and looked up to and will never cater to the Malaysian Art Scene. I stopped being creative to my fullest potential ever since I returned to this country and Japan was my last field of creative dreams. 

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