Friday, August 23, 2024

In my Tree of Life.


With my late Wife on our wedding day in the garden of the green Gulch Zen Center, Sau Salito, Marin County, California. She was a hard headed woman with very strong sense of commitment towards whatever she set to do in life. She held a Masters Degree in Linguistics, teaches English as a Second Language at UC Berkley and was a qualified  Japanese Language Instructor, she spoke and write Japanese and I Love her; my son Karim was born ten days later. I was thankful to be able to get her to marry me.

 My Elder Sister, number three on the family tree, married to a baker from Islamabad, India by the name of Israel Tafajul Husein, owner of the Legendary Israel Bakery of Kuala Terengganu. We call her Ambra and she had five children and two passed away at an early age to drug and motorcycle accident. My sister had a rough life but turned it around to later live in her later life even after her husband was gone. She read most of the English novels after her brother have read them, like Robert Ludlum, Alistair Mc Claine, Wilbur Smith and the likes, but cannot speak English. She washed my cloths while I was going to school till I left Terengganu for Penang for good. Back then we had to take our bath from the well as there was no pipes. Imagine what it must have taken to carry out the task washing for practically whole family. I owe her a soul debt for more than all the compassion she had shown me while helping me to adapt to a new home as a teenager, She is one of the most genuinely pious Muslim I have had the opportunity to be closest to, an Unconditional Love between two suffering souls.


With my Eldest Brother who was my high school disciplinary teacher and started Rugby among other sports in Terengganu, he was my English Teacher and I was pretty much a pain in his behind. Despite all the trials and tribulations we had between us, we finally made it through with our Love as siblings intact. Educated in England and New Zealand and is well respected by his peers who called him 'Spike' because his hair were like that of a porcupine when pissed, and my brother was more then often pissed at me while I was under his care; like my father who was a Master 'Gold Smith,' who forged gold into beautiful trinkets for the King and His family, my brother forged me into who I am today. I was schooled about life and what it takes to stay alive and ahead by the best, who went on to become Inspector of Schools for the Terengganu State and later a lecturer at he is a happy gardener, I feel, contented with life for all that he had achieved throughout his life and career in keeping his family together. I am proud to have been called 'Spike's Brother,'  Adik Cikgu Razali during my teenage years. 
If he decides to write about his trip!! 

With my pain in the neck daughter Marissa Bahari, who is my pride and joy and my correctional officer. She has grown into a person worthy of respect and admiration. 

With my second elder sister who was a nurse at one time and married to a 'Syed', with four children and god knows how many grandchildren.  The Drama Queen of the family and now spends most of her time watching Korean Dramas. She has surpassed most in fame and fortune and has a genuine Princess for a daughter in law. She had loved and taken care of me  with unconditional Love for all the years I have known her. Alhamdullilah! Thank you from me and my family. Let this posting be my final message to you on how I feel about my sister, before i die...Insh'Allah.


I have three other brothers and two have passed on, I was there when they died and i was a witness to their lives up close and personal. I am not proud of some of the things i have committed in my life nor do I am blind to all the good i have tried to do in this life and it is my wish that good will one day outweigh the not so good. I am the Captain of my Ship, My Destiny and i have done it my way.

My 'Patron'/ Spiritual Brother Lee Khai is someone I have trust and respect for especially in my times of need. A  Great Mind and a Compassionate Heart, a Good Samaritan to the Georgetown community. I am blessed and honored to have such a one as my adopted brother, I know i have a strong watcher over me while living on this Island.

With two of Malaysia's Otais, Dato' Lat and Mr. Chew Teng Beng. These two gentlemen Artists were and perhaps only are my two most respected and admired Artists in this Country. The Chew Brother's Mural done in the sixties at the Kuala Terengganu Postal Building, launched my desired to become an artist. Dato' Lat, who does not know the 'Kampong Boy?' 

The most memorable moment  I had when I was in Bali, Indonesia,  was spending time and chatting with this local Artist whose name has skipped my mind, but he is very well known as a Balinese Artist. We touched heart to heart about our feelings where creativity was concern.


                    While visiting Jogjakarta I confronted my nemesis the Demon King Ravana!

I love the mountains most of my life I have sought to spend as much time in the mountains as I could and this is in the area of Mount Bromo, East Java in Indonesia. This is one of the most hottest spot on Earth when volcanic activities are concern. High Intense Energy can be felt by just being in the vicinity.


I had Loved wine, women and children and would lie if I were to say i had not been Blessed. The shirt says Jerejak Resort! and SPA and that's another story, perhaps already related somewhere in this Blog.

 Candi Borobudur, was one of the most holy of historical site in South East Asia and being there in person was like receiving a reward from the highest order in the realm or as it is better known 'The Nusantara.' My late grandmother was a pure royal blooded Sumatran and my grandfather was a thorough bred artist from Sri Lanka. They met in Medan where Islam met Buddhist and I am the result.

I have roamed the Earth looking for answers and understanding and I have come to a realization that my journey had been for a reason and that reason is in becoming more fully aware of who I am and where i come from or where I am heading. 

WallahuAllah! and only Allah knows...  

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