Friday, June 24, 2022

It is Time to Ramble! -On Faith or Fortune.

 This day and age there many wannabe crusaders for their religious faith and some have gathered fans who follow and praise their efforts with enthusiasm in videos made for You Tube and other media forms. There are many authentic Gurus and Teachers self claimed or otherwise who spread positive and healing messages through their podcasts and video presentations such as Sadhguru Jagidev, Mooji, Ekart Tolle and not to mention personages such as the Dalai Lama and the recently demised Rev. Thich Naght Hahn and one of my favorite Swami Sarvapriyananda of the New York Vedanta Society. Then there are those whose thoughts and ideas are relayed posthumously by videos put together by their adepts and fans, like Alan Watts, J.Krishnamurti and the great Hindu saints like Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramakrishna, Papaji and Nisargatdata Maharaj to name a few. Most of these past and present 'Teachers' so far as I know have rarely if not ever condemn another man's faith or religion in order to promote their own, their teachings are inclusive of other faiths and tolerant towards any differences that may exist between their thoughts and views.

Religious faith is the most personal of human traits and no matter one's faith and belief, it is one's own understanding and perception of that faith. For someone else to make any judgment or commendations or even comments upon one's faith is like allowing for another to pull one by the nose this way or that according to what they perceive to be the truth; this is a weakness of one's faith in what one believe to be the truth. Truth, like reality is not fathomable by the average mind and by nature it is relative and in accordance to one's own personal understanding of the nature of things albeit spiritual or material. An awakened or enlightened mind will behold truth and reality in a more in-depth manner than an average mind clouded by the conditioning of the world of Maya or Illusory world. It is those who are limited in their perception or lacking in a complete transcendent view of the whole that creates a negative stir in spiritual development of humanity, armed with a limited knowledge of the truth, knwledge picked up here and there randomly, they become sanctimonious in their views and accusations towards other faiths. One such individual I came upon in YouTube is Robert Spencer whose views of Islam and especially of the Prophet of Allah is like a vendetta almost as though the Prophet Muhammad had done him wrong in some some unforgiving way. This man thrives upon his lambasting of the Muslim Messenger of God like he knew the Man personally and even in the end writes books questioning the Prophet's very existence in history. One wonders what drives a man to such hatred if it is not fame and fortune or perhaps of being a Zionist Jew.

There are many others like him who seek fame and fortune through their ability to spin and sell thoughts and ideas that feeds the spiritually needy, those who have difficulty in doing their own research and come to their own self realized conclusion and those who needs a punching bag or a boogie man to expunge their own devils or ignorance. You Tube channel has many such characters who overnight has become unshakable authorities on the rights and wrong of religions albeit Judaism, Christianity or Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and many others. These I call minions of the Ungodly or the slaves of the Antichrist/ Dajaal and Satan as they seek to run a wedge through between religions and faiths with their twisting and spinning of false flags to gather a following on the Internet. The devil has his job cut out with these people carrying out their active sowing of seeds of doubts and disbelieve among those who are weak and ill informed of their own faith. My word of advice to those who are easily swayed by such minions is to do one's own footwork and research like one's own life depends on it. Wake up! Do not be easily fooled by those who claim to know the truth simply because they are able to quote a verse or two and cite an authority here and there all of which today is readily available at the finger tips if one is diligent enough to look for in the Internet. Taking quotes and information out of context is a favorite mode of operation by those wannabe our modern day evangelists and that may be for any religious cause, Islam, Christian and the rest. Accusing the Prophet of Islam of polygamy in the times of 'jahiliah' or ignorance of the Arab Beduins is fine but what about the modern day Mormon and the likes of, "Thye Prophet' Warren Buffet?

When you attack any faith or religion it is like you are attacking humanity itself. You are not doing anyone any favor but yourself, not the faith you are in and most of all not God. The Prophet of Islam is said to have said that, be aware that the finger that is pointing with accusation at another has four other fingers pointing right back at himself. It is my intuition that the motive behind most of these religious or spiritual attacks is caused by cultural as well as belief systems that sees religions as a threat towards their own collective existence, like the Nazism or the White Supremacists, or the Jewish Zionists Movement, or Al Qaeda for that matter and a host of other groups that is anti-religious faith, each looking for ways and means to disrupt and if not dismantle the human spiritual unity through religions. No religion is perfect as no man is just so, however throughout the ages man has come to depend upon religious faith and dogma to keep humanity from a  mass psychosis and chaos. The fear of hell and retribution in the afterlife. rightfully so or otherwise has kept many a civilization from tearing itself apart. Unfortunately if not fearfully so, man today are becoming immune towards this fear or as the Buddhist calls it karmic retribution. Greed, Hate and Ignorance has practically overruled such fear and sanctioned the right to free will and enterprise' do as thou will! 

Humanity is in dire need of a healing process through whatever means and not negative thoughts and ideas simply to create a divisive environment of conflict between existing religions, the days of the Jihad and Crusade are buried in history or should be so. Any thought of creating a schism between faith aught to be dismiss as an attempt to add on to humanity's ills and ailments and this is evil. Even if one has no knowledge or believe in the existence of evil in its manifested form such as revealed by religions throughout the world, evil still exist as what Carl Jung would call.The Shadow in human psychic identity and the Native Americans warn us of the Trickster and Buddhism warn us of Mara and the religion of the Book warn us of the Anti Christ or Dajaal. To deny of these negative energies in whatever forms they may manifest in our lives is like denying that man has any soul or consciousness, incapable of discerning between right and wrong, good and evil, even after eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge in Genesis, man is still blind to ever see the truth of his existence and much less to recognize the Divine in himself. Man will end as food and fodder for the enemies of his Creator; the Antichrist and Satan, (i.e. if one is a believer or one has faith.) As it is written with every episode of the X-Files, "The Truth Is Out There!" And as it is revealed with every spiritual practice, "The Truth is Within You!" You claim to have free will, the choice is yours to seek, within or without. #antichrist,#dajaal,#whitesupremacist,# robertspencer,#zionistjew,#xfiles,sadguru,#swamisarvapriyananda,#nisargadatamaharaj,#papaji,#theshadow,#thetrickster,#isis        


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Food Shortage =Soylent Green Syndrome?

Received a message from my friend Jerry Sule from Green Bay, Wisconsin, a video posted by Ultra Dante, Another Food Processing Plant erupts in flames in Wisconsin. Believe we are approaching 100 such coincidences since 2021, the article went on to add. 

Another Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames, this time in Wisconsin. Is this another conspiracy theory or is it a real case to be concern about now that Jerry has posted the video in my mind. I used to work for a meat packing house in Green Bay and later in Milwaukee after I was fired from the Green Bay Meats and Cold Storage for a total of over 3 years, that's another painful reminder of my life story but quite an interesting event none the less. Now who and why would anyone or group would want to run around torching our food production plants especially in this day and age when we are facing a global shortage of food? If this be true, if thus far 98 food related production plants has been razed to the ground all over the United States, then it is a case for concern as some of these Plants are major producers, however if it is a coincidental occurrences we can sleep better and hope the number of losses will not exceed the fear factor. Thank you Jerry Sule for updating the latest case for concern to my consciousness.

Are we approaching the 'Soylent Green' scenario where food shortage is concern?

soylent (uncountable) An undesirable, lackluster, and artificial foodstuff, as a substitute for real meat.

It comes in various colors, the best of which is the titular Soylent Green. The company bills their new green variety as more nutritious, having been manufactured from oceanic plankton, but by the end we know the truth. Soylent Green is people!16 Feb 2022

The definition of soylent green is the food that 40 million hungry people in New York survived on in the award-winning science fiction movie Soylent Green.

I am just playing around with this macabre idea as a possibility as I am much concern about the lack of importance given to our food supply not half as much as our war supplies. No doubt food prices are sky rocketing in my country for whatever reason and yet most people are still accepting the fact as though this trend will make a U-turn on its own sometime in the near future. I have always been an advocate for the food production in agriculture and Malaysia has fall prey to vast tracts of land being turned into palm oil plantations which is considered a lucrative venture however only to the few. Rubber and other plantations has also been focused upon as a source of economic income and these too has claimed vast tracts of agriculture land. The growing of food such as fruits and vegetables has taken a back stage to  these crops and Malaysia imports most of her food from neighboring countries.

We are running short on chickens and beef too and not too many people are keen on being involved in these activities where raising chickens and cattle, goats and pigs are not the calling of today's youth. So we will sit and wait till all hell breaks loose and the food shortages will become a reality and cannibalism as in the movie, Soylent Green becomes a reality. I do pray not to be around when this happens but my children if they too are not too deep in the sleep of denial hopefully will wake up to the reality that is slowly but surely enfolding the country as a whole. We are in this country of Malaysia governed by a failed system whereby corruption is at its highest and the people are too wrapped up into their own self serving modes as to realize the iceberg is not too far off from the ship. We will always rest assured that we got all that we need as far as resources is concern and will never run out of food. Incidentally, we are also at the top there when it comes to food wastage! 

Where war and violence has failed perhaps hunger might do the trick, When humanity finds that food and water is in very short supply there wil be hell to pay and even the fear of God will not the chaos and anarchy that will be unleashed upon humanity. Who stands to benefit from such a catastrophe? Your guess is as good as mine and at the end of the day the few will sleep soundly in their protective bunkers while the rest of man will be at each other's throats! Pray that this too is just another doomsday conspiracy theory to be taken with a grain of salt. There are still numerous food related Plants still in good running state and loosing a few more will most probably not be that much of a concern, #ultradante,#wisconsinfoodplant,#soylentgreen,#  


Monday, June 06, 2022

Contemplation on Death..

  In light of loosing a teacher or two of my spiritual practice over the years, I have have had my own bouts with impending feeling of death approaching around the corner. Yesterday I spent a good deal of my time alone facing what seemed like a panic attack with death as the main source of aggravation. I tried to fall asleep after taking some painkillers but to no avail and I tried to walk it off as a physical exercise still not effective, then I sat on my bed and meditated and as my mind quieted down but the fearful feeling of death still on my mind, I began to pray to the Lord, Allah (SWT), God, Brahman, Jehovah, Elohim... The Great Spirit, surrendering my heart and soul in the event that I am about the exhale my last breath; I totally surrendered my whole being I said unto His hands for safe keeping. ...Innallilahi, wainnalillahi rajiun...from You I came to You I return, Aamin! What followed, I felt the fear and 'panic attack receding, physical and mental and I found peace as I laid back and fell asleep. after a short while I woke up from my nap felt much better like a nightmare has been lifted from my consciousness.

The body is still up to par with the rhythm of the flow of life, rising and falling with every shifts in the dimensions and energies flowing with the least of obstruction or hindrances. This body of mine has seen many a rough ride as so this mind that have lived through for the past seventy odd years is still getting its mileage in. Although I welcome my physical death, I value every minute and every breath I take like it is my last. I 'd like to expire with grace like the old oak tree that had survived numerous freezing cold winters of Wisconsin. I'like to die with the grace and dignity of the homeless man sleeping under the overpass in a cardboard box. I'd like to die knowingly that the moment of my death is Now! at this moment...I am aware that I am dead. I feel in my heart, that I will die twice in this lifetime and the first one has already taken place, an event that had changed the course my life. The event had involved my Teacher and friend DSennis Junpo Kelly and it took place in the small town of Corte Madeira, in Main County, Ca. The event has been told several times in the past in this Blog, a time in my life when I was on the verge of ending up as a homeless n the streets of San Francisco. A time when I entered the Zen Buddhist Practice at Green Gulch Farm. On the night of the New Year's Eve sometime in 1983-4, I came to face to face with death, the doctor in Marin County Hospital called it pleurisy.

I fear the unknown more than death itself, like what really happens and how does one cope the whole process of transition from one state or dimension into another, what will my consciousness be like or am I truly;No  More! Gone, gone, gone beyond the concept of the word gone...!! Will it be transmigration from one spirit realm to another as processed by the laws of Karma. Is it heaven or hell according to the religions of the Faith, of Islam or Christianity or Judaism abiding according to the laws of Moses and Jesus and Mohammad from the Lord. The Lord thy God is a Jealous God, have ye no God other then He. The Historical Buddha was not a God but his teachings had made allot of sense to me for my spiritual growth. Has humanity followed His Way even in the most very basic of understanding, we would have seen less suffering in this world of ours. The Four Noble Truth  is of the essence in Buddha's teachings, the Path toward the Liberation of sentient beings from suffering; life is suffering. Know this to be true, accept it as the goal in life to seek the truth of this life and what is the cause of suffering. Why even the most richest most successful and the most spiritually free faces suffering of one nature or other. Hence the historical Buddha who was a Prince by the name of Gautama, took upon himself to unravel this mystery of life, death and rebirth, 

Ignorance is the main cause of suffering, it is the cause of all fears in man for ignorance is a blinder like those placed on a horse pulling a carriage, ignorance keeps the mind imprisoned. Not knowing is one thing, not wanting to know is something else; the truth, the Real, the infinite possibilities, is a whole different matter. The refusal to know what is real and what is the point of beginning of our dual thinking mind that have led us here in this world of Maya, of illusions and delusions; we are trapped within out own self created net or box, the black and white box, the good and bad box, the right and wrong box. Getting out of this box is our jihad in this life, the Buddha Shakyamuni took it upon Himself to walk this Path towards self discovery asking the simple question of .Who Am I? Liberation from this realm of existence is through fully awakening to the answer.The Buddha is said to have said,"Suffering is, none who suffers, Enlightenment is, but none who attain it."