Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Food Shortage =Soylent Green Syndrome?

Received a message from my friend Jerry Sule from Green Bay, Wisconsin, a video posted by Ultra Dante, Another Food Processing Plant erupts in flames in Wisconsin. Believe we are approaching 100 such coincidences since 2021, the article went on to add. 

Another Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames, this time in Wisconsin. Is this another conspiracy theory or is it a real case to be concern about now that Jerry has posted the video in my mind. I used to work for a meat packing house in Green Bay and later in Milwaukee after I was fired from the Green Bay Meats and Cold Storage for a total of over 3 years, that's another painful reminder of my life story but quite an interesting event none the less. Now who and why would anyone or group would want to run around torching our food production plants especially in this day and age when we are facing a global shortage of food? If this be true, if thus far 98 food related production plants has been razed to the ground all over the United States, then it is a case for concern as some of these Plants are major producers, however if it is a coincidental occurrences we can sleep better and hope the number of losses will not exceed the fear factor. Thank you Jerry Sule for updating the latest case for concern to my consciousness.

Are we approaching the 'Soylent Green' scenario where food shortage is concern?

soylent (uncountable) An undesirable, lackluster, and artificial foodstuff, as a substitute for real meat.

It comes in various colors, the best of which is the titular Soylent Green. The company bills their new green variety as more nutritious, having been manufactured from oceanic plankton, but by the end we know the truth. Soylent Green is people!16 Feb 2022

The definition of soylent green is the food that 40 million hungry people in New York survived on in the award-winning science fiction movie Soylent Green.

I am just playing around with this macabre idea as a possibility as I am much concern about the lack of importance given to our food supply not half as much as our war supplies. No doubt food prices are sky rocketing in my country for whatever reason and yet most people are still accepting the fact as though this trend will make a U-turn on its own sometime in the near future. I have always been an advocate for the food production in agriculture and Malaysia has fall prey to vast tracts of land being turned into palm oil plantations which is considered a lucrative venture however only to the few. Rubber and other plantations has also been focused upon as a source of economic income and these too has claimed vast tracts of agriculture land. The growing of food such as fruits and vegetables has taken a back stage to  these crops and Malaysia imports most of her food from neighboring countries.

We are running short on chickens and beef too and not too many people are keen on being involved in these activities where raising chickens and cattle, goats and pigs are not the calling of today's youth. So we will sit and wait till all hell breaks loose and the food shortages will become a reality and cannibalism as in the movie, Soylent Green becomes a reality. I do pray not to be around when this happens but my children if they too are not too deep in the sleep of denial hopefully will wake up to the reality that is slowly but surely enfolding the country as a whole. We are in this country of Malaysia governed by a failed system whereby corruption is at its highest and the people are too wrapped up into their own self serving modes as to realize the iceberg is not too far off from the ship. We will always rest assured that we got all that we need as far as resources is concern and will never run out of food. Incidentally, we are also at the top there when it comes to food wastage! 

Where war and violence has failed perhaps hunger might do the trick, When humanity finds that food and water is in very short supply there wil be hell to pay and even the fear of God will not the chaos and anarchy that will be unleashed upon humanity. Who stands to benefit from such a catastrophe? Your guess is as good as mine and at the end of the day the few will sleep soundly in their protective bunkers while the rest of man will be at each other's throats! Pray that this too is just another doomsday conspiracy theory to be taken with a grain of salt. There are still numerous food related Plants still in good running state and loosing a few more will most probably not be that much of a concern, #ultradante,#wisconsinfoodplant,#soylentgreen,#  


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