Friday, August 16, 2024

The End of the Olympics in France - no comments.


                                          Bird's eye view of the starting line for four birds of the Apocalypse. The starting line.

The Olympics in France, the genocide in Gaza, the The cry for a 'Third World War is becoming louder and more distinct as humanity is sucked into the whirlpool of self destruction and mayhem. It seems like we are becoming spiritually dead. Religion is being put to the test and the depredation of the Planet is becoming pandemic and the end is in the making. Sad seriously sad but what can be done it is like the fulfilment of a prophecy, that all that has a beginning must have an end. There is no one to point the finger at nor does it matters anymore who is right or who is wrong, we simply have our roles to play, being who we are or what we were destined to be in the course of time. I created my story a long time ago and have been repeating myself like an addict who can never stop at his habit. My stories are more and more ,My Story, How and why I got here or whare I am at, I am stuck in this 'Rat race' just like everyone else and have been trying to skip my way out of this rut so the album can continue on to finish the tune; I, like everyone else am sleep walking my way to my grave and in my case telling my story as I march along, like trying to justify the whys and how of my sorry existence. I am stuck in a karmic rut and I will have to keep telling my stories straight until it is. perhaps having right understanding of who I am will make it easy to erase my karma and become free from the rut to play on.

This array of seashells enclosed in a cabinet in my eldest brother['s living room are more than 50 years old some of them and they were the combine effort of three siblings who dived for these shells along the islands off the coast of Terengganu in the South China Sea. My eldest brother, my twin brother and I spent almost every weekend diving or snorkeling except during the Monsoon season. As teenagers, my twin brother and I were very fortunate to have been taken under the wings of a high ranking government official, a District Officer through whose authority we were able to visit many places all over the state and treated with respect by the kampung folks. This included visiting the islands off the Terengganu coast, Through being mentored by such individuals while in our teenage years my twin and I had a head start in growing into adulthood. Our benefactor later went on to become the personal adviser to the Sultan of Terengganu; his name was Dato' Ariffin Zakaria.
Your Guru does not to be a Rishi or Roshi, he just needs to be someone who is older more mature and well rounded individual who take some interest in your well being. If you are alert, aware and receptive towards what was being taught, instructed, expressed, insinuated, pointed, if you were present in the moment than you have found your Guru, your Teacher and he has found you a student he can transmit his ways to. In life I have had many such great 'Gurus,' #guru #siuthchinasea #monsoon #terengganu

 In this world there will always be beauty and ugliness and it is all upon how one perceives it to be or one can make it to be so. I hate to admit that we are on the road to the end of our human history and albeit physical or spiritual we are never ready to face what lies beyond when we die. It is my hope that i will remain true to seeking the truth as to who i truly am and what my role has been or will be here and the hereafter. I have lived a fulfilling life from the fifties till this date and as such have been witness to some major shifts and changes that the world and humanity has gone through. Those who are not too happy with the status quo will beat the drums of war and gain from the misery of others while those that have seen the light and awakened to reality as is are looking deeper into their own souls for salvation and redemption. The Planet is evolving towards its own demise and in the process it is my hope that a new beginning will arise in the horizon. As the suffering in Gaza continues the Olympics in France has come to an end.  #gaza #france #olympics

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