Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Art of Living - as an Artist.


                                                          The Art of Living - as an Artist

Visiting the home of renowned Kedah Artist Cikgu .Aswandi? to check on his last name.



             With Tengku Shahriman the metal sculptor artist from Kuala Kangsar, Perak.

                                  Group photo with A Samad Said, Poet Laureate,  Prof.Najjar Mussawir of Univesity of Illinois, Mr. Cecil Rajendra known lawyer/ poet/writer and Prof. Hasnul J.Saaidon of U.Sains Malaysia. Pengarah MGTF-USM.

               With visiting Professor Najjar Musawwir from U of Ill. at Carbondale. Najar, from behind bars to the high seats of academic. 

                                         With my Brother Assoc. Prof. Hasnul Jamal Saidon. of USM. 

                       With Mr. Khoo Sui Hoe, veteran artist and Globe Trotter of Georgetown. He used to own the ? Gallery in Georgetown where I had a Solo Exhibition of my prints and paintings. 

                           In between two great personalities, Mr. Sui Hoe and Cecil Rajendra. [lawyer/writer, }

                                           One of my favorite picture of myself with another. She was a violinist for her high school band who was performing at the 'Little Penang Street Market.' and i was in the role of being an 'OTAI' artist. The sweet moment we shared was captured in black and white. 

A crucial part of living i believe is in one's relationship to the world and to humanity at large. Knowing yourself is knowing what or who you are in touch with, connected to or breathing in and out the same air that you are sharing with the whole of Creation itself and if you fail to see this as being and integral part of your own personal existence than you are bound by conditioned limitations in your life. If you are satisfied and comfortable with being in this state, then no problem, no right or wrong in this only being aware of the choices you make ; right or wrong, good or bad, black or white, Yes or no...Are you aware who is making these choices? If the question is crucial for you, than you are one who has awaken from your sleep, your dream, your existence in this realm of Maya or Illusion, of the 'dual thinking mind' or monkey mind, of karma and karmic consequences; you are on the road to find out, who you are. 

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