Friday, August 02, 2024

From Sushi King to Late Night Maggi Goreng!


Eating at Sushi King with my daughter just before she sent me to the bus station to head for Terengganu. The almost eight hours bus ride at night can be very tedious and hard on the body especially at m tender age. Only one toilet stop and so I carry with me my 'pee bottle' just in case. So no heavy meals like nasi Kandar before the trip.

The real eating takes place at the wedding the day after and ate I did.

One of my nieces came with her family and I remarked looking at the baby she was carrying that she and her husband are very productive when it comes to making babies. She laughed at me and said, this is my grandson and that makes him your great grandson! Great!

Sumayah my grand niece, Mohammad Rafi the bakery owner's youngest daughter was always on my case for this or that but she was the smartest of all and too smart for her own good. I love getting to know the young and teasing them and getting into their heads has been one of my past time. "Hey, your dad is thinking of marrying you off to a Bangla, so why bother studying so hard la!"

The closest i came to South China Sea on this trip was visiting my twin brother whose house sits right on the beach. He and his wife were busy with customers looking my sister in law's Songket and so we did not talk much and in a way I was glad as I had no desire to have any prolong conversation with them after my last visit to their home which ended with yet another slam dunk I had to endure from my twin brother. However Islam says one has to keep the Silaturahim, close relationship between siblings intact and so my super short visit...see you when I see you, perhaps not in the ICU.

                              Having fried noodles at three in the morning at a roadside in KTr.

Eating MaggiMee Goreng at the roadside restaurant at three in the morning with my niece who owns the place called Masakan Panas Lewat Malam or Hot Food for Late at Night at Telaga Batin. Kuala Terengganu. This was the night or morning before I left for Penang. The Maggi was fried by my Niece who was at the wedding with her grandchild, my great grandchild - this is for Na! and Stopa! a lovely couple.Jaya my second eldest brother would have been proud of his favorite daughter.

                                                        Her restaurant - Late Night Hot Dishes.

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