Friday, August 23, 2024

A thing or two about my art.- random picks.


A Wood Block Print. Print done at UWGB in GB, Wisc. and was once used as a LOGO for the Kanzeon ZenYoga Center in Corte Madeira, Marin County, California. Dennis Junpo Kelly was a friend and my first Zen Teacher, he went on to become an Abbot of his own school he opened the Zen Center at Corte Madeira after he was ordained from the new York Daibosatsu Zen Center. Dennis was originally from Green Bay, Wisc.

In love with a Gamelan dancer in Jogja, Indonesia.

A Site etched into my memory of the Bell of Haguro of the three Mountains of Dewa Sanzen, This etching was done at the Miyagi Museum of Finr Arts, Open Studio. located in Sendai, Japan.

The same bell done with water color.

A multilayered mono type print using materials of different texture for effect. 

A view from down under done in acrylic.

A woodblock print done on a two square feet pinewood board. This was done at the Print making studio at UWGB, Green Bay, Wisc. and all over the parks in the Green Bay Area. #greenbay #uwgb  

A multilayered monoprint  possibly done in Sendai, Japan. #sendaijapan

A painting of Persimmons against a cold sky while in Kyoto, Japan. #persimmons

A large painting done on a collective of different sizes canvas and hung to the ceiling. This was done in Dubai for Capt. Steve my son's close friend. It was his idea to do a painting in this form. For one reason it would be easy for him to take it with when me moves.

When painting a 'mindscape,' one has to absolutely let it all go! No thought in between execution and motion/ movement. No hesitation, no preconceived idea or imagination, no doing and no one doing it; only in this state of mind can one produce the landscape of one's mind. #mindscape 

        I like to copy the works of Old Masters like Rembrandt, and  Katsushika Hokusai. Sometimes in doing so I feel like I am at the very site where the paintings were being done and what it felt like. It all off course also depends on what i was smoking or ingesting of drinking at the time, but the experience was positive. #rembrandt #hokusaikatsushika

A sprig was embossed into a piece Japanese handmade card board through the process of mono technique and there a Haiku was written by my close friend Mr. Reichiro the Loundarymat owner and Haiku Master whose shop was at the top of the hill in Mukaiyama...

When I saw this print I felt like there is no more that can be done to outdo this technique as it has appeared on this print; to me it was a sense of achieving perfection. I called it, "The Lightness of Being."


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