Sunday, August 04, 2024

You are Killing my Ego!

  If you are not ready to die, you better start living...

Humanity's darker nature is looming again in the horizon and Crimson Skies everywhere, collective negative energies are being utilized left and right to bring about destruction and chaos and God has nothing to do with it! Settle your own issues and make it right this time for a third world war is never going to go down well in the history of mankind if there be anymore history to write about. Mankind is glutton for retribution and he is hungry for pain, man will never free himself from himself because he doe not have the will to do so. The will to shout it out that Enough! Is Enough! I have had it with this self mortification crap that mankind is initiating one upon another in the effort to be the Right Man, having the Right Way and the only way to the Source of Creation... and for this I am willing to commit Genocide if need be! I Am the Dark, That I Am! As God is closer to you than your jugular vein. I am even closer; and you hardly know me for you have been trying your best not to notice me and what I am capable of! You have in your darkest moments taken me for granted and initiate all you want to the finbal destruction of this Planet this realm of existence, this Loka, know that you will have to confront me, come through me to get to your final destination: are you prepared to take that chance of loosing it all to nothing, emptiness devoid of essence... are you ready to feel what is true pain and suffering for your blatant display of arrogance and you vicious nature of predator motivated only to kill, you will collectively come into my domain and be embraced by True Darkness... and Pure Evil!; I am That I Am. It is best to get to know and understand me your Shadow, your Ego...your nafs!

And the Prophet of Allah, {pbuh} said, " There is a greater Jihad that you will have to face and it is within you." 

"You see yourself small and insignificant, yet within you is a Universe far greater than you can imagine." The sone in law of the Prophet, {pbuh}Sydina Ali,{ra} reminded Man of his spiritual stature. 

When is enough truly Enough? Why it all has end in a catastrophe of annihilation, what would be enough to keep this total self destruction from happening? Have you ever listened to Estas Tonnes,...Introspection? Music has the quality of carrying you away you are stuck in one dimension and stand to repeat oneself over and over again with questions, unanswerable questions. The obsessive tendencies of needing, craving for, wanting, humanity has lost humility and is trapped in his own delusions of grandiose and self serving. The collective Human Desire today is for an end to this Episode of Life as we know it and if possible replace with a choice of our own. Creating an Illusion to remove and Illusion.... creating karma to destroy Karma; what a vicious circle we live in! I am still lost in Estas Tonnes's fluid guitar notes full bodied and moving iv waves of my consciousness, this too shall pass...and it is in silence that one can hear God. The Divine that is all around, within and without and you seize to exist in the Divine Presence your form becomes emptiness, no eyes , no ears and so forth... and you are gone! gone with the concept of what the word gone is...Amen! I am no more! Only the Divine is Ma'alWujud! Only Allah! You cannot be if Allah is to be One.; this is Fana'.Complete Liberation. This the death of the conditioned self of the Ego {construct}. Only by the death of the Ego can man become his true Nature; Jivan Mukhta the Enlightened One, Al insan Kamil, The Anointed One, The Chosen One, The Son. ##estastonnes #fana #alinsankamil #karma thechosenone

Man was not created for reason less then this! Man is supreme in nature and is the Keeper of the Faith. The First man Adam [Ais} was given the faculty of the full knowledge of this Universe He can name all that can be named. We the children of Adam has this gift within us but chose to bury it under layers of ignorance and blindness, the light that once was is now buried deeply under the debris of our self ignorance. What good is all this if one cannot do a darn thing about the murder and carnage that is happening all over the Planet all in the name of humanity? Man was put on this Planet to become its caretaker, to become its Kaliph, to care and protect its well being and to make sure that Harmony and Happiness prevails like it was in the Garden. We have betrayed this covenant with God we have just about turn His Creation into a shit pile. In this our spiritual story, the Devil is not only in the detail He is the Detail. He is the Shadow, the darker nature of the human spirit, the Dark side of the Moon. #adam #kaliph #creation

"Money! It's a Drag..." Pink Floyd.

"The God that you worship is beneath your feet!" The Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn. Arabi remarked.

"He asked: "When will the Hour be?' He said: 'The one who is being asked about it does not know more than the one who is asking.' He asked: 'Then what are its signs?' he said: 'When the slave woman gives birth to her mistress' (Waki' said: This means when non-Arabs will give birth to Arabs") 'and when you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings.' The Prophet (ﷺ) met me three days later and asked me: 'Do you know who that man was? I said" 'Allah and his Messenger know best.' He said: 'That was Jibril, who came to you to teach you your religion.'" - SUNNAH.Com. #allah #jibril #sunnah 



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