Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Trip Long Overdue - SRI LOVELY - Part 1


SRI LOVELY the organic farm for many years now since its inception in 2010 has gone International with younger generations of visitors visiting the farm to have a feel for the rustic way of Malaysian farming life especially in the growing of rice. My friend ben Ronjen and I visited the farm and slept overnight where it rained heavily almost all night long giving us the opportunity to enjoy sleeping and meditating to the sound of rain tapping on the zinc roof over our heads.  I woke up a few times throughout the night and sat absorbing the energy of the whole highly charged environment of the surrounding rural area at the foot of the hills at the small village of Kampung Lintang. My first visit to this place was in 2012 and had fallen in love with the place ever since. 
They brought their country flags along with them making the place look like and international convention hall in the forest. 

Sri Lovely or Lintang organic Valley is located about two hours drive from Georgetown, Penang, it is located in the Belantik, Sik area of the State of Kedah, It consists of over 30 acres of land which is predominantly made up of rice patches. The whole area was abandoned by the locals who owned the patches of rice field and later the whole area was brought under one corporation to produce organic rice. Since 2012 I made many visits to the farm just to keep in touch and see what or how it was doing and on this last visit i am very impressed by its growth and development.
In the spirit of healing and fostering, Sri Lovely draws the younger generation from all over seeking to find a peaceful environment to be in tune with nature and to find solace in the midst of a very busy and hectic world.

Local universities and colleges send their students to do practical studies in rice farming and the discipline of being a farmer. So, what's the definition of a 'Farmer'? He is the man 'outstanding in his field! I got this joke from a Polack by the name of Eugene in Green Bay, Wisconsin while were walking to a Packer Game at Lambeau Field sometime in 1975?

Weeding is one of the most crucial activity while the baby plants are growing in the wet soil and it is a very tedious work that has to be done. From the spiritual perspective, I see it as a very good meditation practice in more than one way.

I have known these two young men since 2012 and earned their respect ever  since and now they got to meet Ben the wandering Australian. Jai, wearing the NAVY T' Shirt is now married to a Japanese lady and she is happily adapting to the culture and religion of the locals.  

The Kapten, the man who set it all up and running from the beginning having a deep exchange of ideas with my buddy Ben; meeting of diverse minds. 


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