Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Hand colored Black and White Photos.


Loading Ice blocks on to the fishing boat to be used as coolers for the fish caught. This was in Telok Bahang fishing village, I doubt this practice is still ongoing today what with modern technology. Telok Bahang is on top Northwest edge of the Island of Penang. It is today and very popular tourist spot.


These were hand painted what used to be black and white photos found at a garbage dump at the University when a building was renovated. Some of these pictures were very good shots perhaps taken by Photography students handed in to be evaluated by the prof. 


This scene of the boys playing in the flood waters of the high tide reminds me of my own childhood growing up in Sungai Pinang, Kampung Selut where a more extreme scene was what I grew up as children of similar age as the boys in the picture.

Playing soccer in the muddy waters was a pastime that most children enjoyed to the fullest as it involved getting wet and muddy.

The following are pictures taken of a lady de-husking a coconut which takes some knowhow and no easy task.

Collecting seashells or clams along the beach makes a good  well balanced photo shoot. Coloring these black and white photos with water  color was an interesting undertaking as it allowed for many pleasant surprises in the outcome. 

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