Thursday, September 05, 2024

Here's to 'Wishing You Were Here.'

 Legendary Pink Floyd musician, Roger Waters on Palestine Deep Dive with Matt Kennard and Ahmed Kanaouk, You Tube podcast.

"This is Not war! This is Genocide!" #genocide #rogerwaters #pinkfloyd #deepdive #mattkennard #ahmedkenaouk #palestine

How do they go to sleep at night? They don't, I don't and I am finding that out more and more of late. I woke up in the middle of the night almost exactly to the second and this is where i ended up after listening to the above podcast. Yes I have Gaza on my mind and although deep down I know whatever i feel is of no consequence to me personally as bottom line, I do not exist and all these are just pigments of my imagination, I still find myself attached to the sad feeling in me whenever the word Palestine comes to mind in whatever form. Yesterday morning I was sharing my thoughts with my friends at the Fisherman's Jetty over the Palestine conflict, especially over why the Muslims nations does not offer to accept Palestinians refugees into their country or adopt Palestinian children and so forth. The other question most talked about among Malays in this country is why the Muslim Nation like Iran does not go all out war with Israel. In answer to the later question my opinion is that no leader would like to be responsible for starting a Nuclear war no matter the cause. To the first question my take is what i learn from talks and videos on YouTube mostly and that is, the Palestinians refuse to leave their country as they know this is exactly what the Zionist Israel would like them to do and if they leave there is no hope returning. I feel the Palestinians have gone beyond this narrative. #zionist #israel #muslimnations #iran

Hence if i ask myself when was the last time I thought about the Palestinian Genocide, I can say honestly, yesterday morning at the Malay Fisherman's Jetty where usually hang out of have my breakfast. These are not intellectuals or highly educated gentlemen and their feelings over the matter are more than genuine when they talk of Palestine "Wishing they were there." to lend a helping hand if not kill a Zionist Israeli soldier. This morning my mind on the subject was triggered by stumbling upon the above mentioned podcast. I had been a lifelong fan of Pink Floyd from the day I was introduced to the album, "Wish you were here." This happened in Green Bay, Wisconsin when i was a student at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, {UWGB}. I remember it was in the spring of 1978-9 when I had just returned from my trip to the Southwest States of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado and was catching my breath on the floor of the hostel where two of my Thai friends were staying. They were from wealthy families in Thailand and had money to splurge as I remember, one was the son of number one man of the Thai Airways, the other was his cousin. #arizona #mexico #colorado #newmexico #uwgb #greenbay #wisconsin

Having driven for almost a whole month on a round trip which began at the UWGB and driven all the way down to the southern borderline of the United States and Mexico in between the Sonora Desert and the Organ Pipes Mountains of Arizona  to Denver, Colorado and back to Wisconsin, I was burnt. I crashed at the Thai Boys' place in the living room with a bottle of Whiskey they provided and the Album, "Wish You Were Here" was on the turntable. I never liked hard rock before and never listened to Pink Floyd ever and when I lay on the floor half drunk with the earphones in my head, I was transported to a whole new dimension of life that I never thought was possible for me. The music brought me back to life, I had contemplated ending my life earlier, {another story, another time} however after i had listened to the entire album and fallen into a very deep sleep with the earphones still stuck to my head I was rejuvenated, I was revitalized and energized from my long and arduous journey and I was ready to complete my work studies and hand in to my instructors my works I did while on the road. #sonoradesert #organpipesmountain ##

On my last trip for my degree program at the University was done in Malaysia and one of my destination was to Sarawak where my twin brother was then a director of the Malaysian Handicraft Center in Kuching, Sarawak. Through his connections he arranged a trip for me that took me to stay at the Long House of the Iban Tribe a trip I will never forget. However on a related subject that I am writing about, my twin brother had just bought the Album "Wish You Were Here" and had it out on the carpet floor facing the turntable like an invitation for my attention. It was a very pleasant surprise and I listened to the Album not telling him that it was my favorite album back then too, almost a semester earlier while in Green Bay, Wisconsin. 

Perhaps Roger Waters will write a song entitled, "I got Gaza on my mind." After listening to him over many podcasts on the subject of  Human Rights, I have come to have greater respect for the man and not just his incredible music, but as a human being. It is sad that his course of actions have caused a rift between him and the rest of the Pink Floyd boys, however on his own he has still kept a good many followers and fans. KUDOS! #gaza 

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