Sunday, September 08, 2024

Have they hacked my Blog?

 I believe my Blog has been hacked or whatever is done to stop or discourage me from further expressing my views about my life and life in general positive or otherwise. It is sad, but it is as expected when one's believe of freedom is indeed proven to be time and again is but a grand illusion and as is  suspected and expressed by many who are awakened to the reality of our very existence we are indeed living in some form of simulated preconditioned existence, just we have been conditioned from the moment of our birth by parents, education and society as we grew older. Now mankind has arrived at an Owelian stage where the few is in control over the many. This is the Jihad that man has to struggle against in order to call himself a free man, to be able to stand up and deliver as a man truly in control of himself and his very existence on this Planet without any time for justification or excuses. Either this or die indeed a slave to his own self constructed prison, shackled by the dark side of his nature in the form of demons and  jinns at the behest of their masters the powers that be. It really does not matter anymore whatever happens to this Blog as it has done what it was aimed to do from the very beginning and that is to express my inner thoughta and feeling about my own preconceived thoughts and ideas in the effort to understand them and liberate myself from their demonic and toxic hold on me. This Blog is not for anyone other than myself to reflect over what is truth and what is false, what is the real and what is Not real. This it has been doing over the years from the day it was conceived as a Blog.

Those who are paid to do the censorship of any freedom of expression on the Internet aught to realize how wrong it is for them to do so as it will have a affect over them and their own children and their children to come. The Internet is God's gift to mankind so as to make it possible for man to stay in touch with one another no matter how far or near we are to one another, from all walks of life, color or creed, we are gifted the gift of instant communication in order to aid in our solving the causes of our misunderstandings and animosities that have plagued us since we learned to kill as in the Biblical sense the action of Kane over his brother Abel. Ever since we have no found the cure to suffering even when the Historical Buddha walked the Earth and realized the means to end our suffering. We are bound and determined to end our existence in a cataclysmic overture at the end of our so called days as we approach to inevitable of utilizing the Nuclear Bomb in order to establish our supremacy over our opponents, our darker side, our shadow. Man is drowning into darkness as he is drawn towards obliterating any form of light that seeks to pull him out from this predicament; man has chosen ignorance over his God given sense of Wisdom and Compassion.

Man has become self serving more so than ever and his narrow mindedness has led him towards his narrow minded ways which is all for the mere thought of survival: me and mine comes first.

"Maya - is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside of one's imagination," -Shunyamurti.

'This the definition of 'Reality' to those in the Egoic state of mind consciousness, mistaking the real for the unreal and the unreal for the real. this fallen culture of {modern day life,} no one has gone through the rights of passage of ego death...or even to adulthood in which one could choose ego death...this becomes a problem to those on the spiritual path or functioning as spiritual guides.'  Shunyamurti -Are you Dreaming or being Dreamed.

Whether dreaming or being dreamed, I am sure of the fact that I am not in control of my freedom to express while making these posts in my own Blogging. It is like I am being monitored by some mother fuckers who have excess to the knowhow in manipulating the Internet making sure that whatever is expressed is not against their own interest or that of their employers. This is not the first time this has happened and I am weary of worse things can happen if I am not careful of what i write. However so be it, I am not in this for any monetary interest nor do I care if I become famous for it, I just am sad that all my years of recording my life would be totally for nothing.   

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