Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Visit to Kota Bharu, Kelantan.- 13-3-2018

Kota Bharu, Kelantan is an East Coast state located at the northern most part of the Malay Peninsula bordered between Thailand in the north and the state of Terengganu in the south. It lies along the sea shoreline facing the South China Sea. Kota Bharu, its state capital is a bustling town that has grown over the years but is considered one of the least developed compared to most other states in the country. It is predominantly a Malay state and Islam is most apparently practiced more so than most other states in the country. Kelantan has been governed for decades by the Pan Islamic Party or PAS and as such is an opposition party state often neglected by the Federal Government in its welfare and development. I arrived here by the Perdana Express bus from Georgetown, Penang sometime at 4am. yesterday.

I came here for the purpose of visiting my niece who has been transferred her from the Terengganu General Hospital for a specialist appointed to diagnose her ailment. She is my nephew Mohd. Rafi’s  wife  and the family owns a bakery shop in Kuala Terengganu formerly known as ‘Kedai Roti Israel’ or Israel’s Bakery. The name itself has raised more than a few eyebrows among the predominantly Muslim locals, however it was named after his father whose name was Israel. There are five children altogether in the family and the youngest a girl is about nine of ten. Two of the children are here at the hospital keeping their mother company while she undergoes a medical treatment. Their father is not able to join them as he too is not in the best of health as for twenty odd years he has been suffering from a gangrenous sore on both his legs at the ankle and now it seems to worsen making it most difficult to stay on his feet much less move about.

On top 0f trying to keep the bakery open and managing the children’s welfare at home, my nephew is like a man who has been run through the wringer by the All Mighty Himself for whatever reason. I cannot say that he is being punished for his lack of piety as he is as devoted a Muslim as they come and the good Lord should have no qualms about it. I often wondered why so much suffering being inflicted upon one so pious and my friend Fadly Mubin, at whose home I am presently residing as a guest has the answer. According to Fadly, it is out of Love that the Lord imposed suffering upon His Loved ones as a ‘test’ of will and faith. Almost all the Prophets of ‘The Book’ were made to suffer of one kind or another throughout history. On the other hand He has afforded wealth and creature comfort for those He has issues to deal with for their transgressions. I have a tough time accepting this explanation wholeheartedly, but in more than one way I have t admit it makes some sense, at least spiritually.

Fadly Mubin as I said often enough is the man who instigated me to Blogging since we met and became close friends while my family and I were living in the Gong Badak, area of Kuala Terengganu. He is a multi-talented highly educated and religious man who speaks his mind and we got along fine for many years now. Fadly graduated as a computer engineer from a school in England and he once told me how he was a member of a team of engineers who helped set up the computerized workings of the traffic lights in some parts of London. Back home in Kuala Terengganu, he helped to design the technical aspects of the Planetarium and later also was responsible for the designing of the Observatory for the local University at a place called Merang. These are among his many contributions in and around the town of Kuala Terengganu.

I enjoy Fadly’s company for his genuine concern when talking about anything under the sun and how well versed he is on many subject matter especially when it comes to religion and spirituality. He is level headed and down to earth in character like very few I have met in my life and I confide in him on matters of my most concern especially where my faith lies. He is seldom if ever judgmental about others and sticks to his guns where his thoughts and principles are concerned; he is to me one of those fully awakened. It is my privilege and blessing to have met up with my friend and I consider my mentor on life for over the years I have benefitted much from our friendship

To be Contd.

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