Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Getting there.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 
I am free to be who I am!
I have awakened to the reality that, I am as I is,
I am merely enjoying my stay on this plane figuring out,
I am here in this dimension playing hide and seek with myself
I am sitting on the dock of the bay, just watching the tide roll by,
 I am listening to my song,  'The First Time I saw your face," by Roberta Flack.
'The moon and stars you, were the gifts you gave, to the dark and the endless sky, my love to the dark and the endless sky.'

For years i have been Blogging like this and making it my 'practice' in self discovery or getting to know who or what I am in the scheme of things. I have arrived for now as close as i care to be at being who i am knowing too that this too will pass. What I am relating is what it feels like to achieve one's intention for being alive as close as it gets. To be productive while actually doing nothing but acting out step for step what comes before me. Taking whatever that arises in the here and now and turning it into a creative work of intuitive expression. Expressing myself as  creatively as i enter one episode, one drama, one event, after another. No plans, no preconceived ideas, no reason and no ifs and ands; simply acting accordingly as each case arises..'.eat when I am hungry, sleep when I am sleepy...sit and watch the grass grow.'
The above ancient Zen saying has been with me ever since I read it in one of Alan Watts's book and somehow it got stuck till this day. I guess my interpretation of it suits my own view about life like a lazy man's path to enlightenment. I also used to strongly believe that laziness is not an option for anyone and that to be lazy  is as good as to die before your time. As another Zen saying goes,'A day without work is a day without food.' In the old days work is related to food production rather than money or wealth. Producing just enough to subsist and trade with the left over for other essential goods. The rest of the day is spent on contemplative or meditative living. Getting in tune with nature and the universe, getting in touch with one's true being. Today man has become overly competitive in taking care of number one, we have very little time for inner reflections and we accuse others who refuse to get on board the gravy train as being lazy.  or out of touch with reality.
The miracle of being awakened is nothing to beat the drum about around the village, it is simply realizing that there are certain things in life that is real and others that are mostly illusions and there are fleeting things and more permanent things worth working oneself with. Being awakened simply makes one more aware of the priorities involve in cultivating the virtues in ourselves and how we can utilize our self discovery to aid others ease their ways. An awakened mind becomes like a doctor or a medicine man or shaman in the service of his or her community with not certificates necessary and usually one turn into a village elder where the younger ones can look up to or confide in on matters of the mind and spirit; an awakened mind keeps sanity intact for the community as a whole.
An awakened mind is a mind heading towards self purification or the cleansing of the mind body and spirit from all the accumulated bad habits and lack of self understanding, (control). It is a mind that has become more or less 'selfless' and acts in life for the benefit of others rather than 'self serving.' In servitude the mind becomes more directed towards self healing and complete attention in intention than simply acting on a whim or directionless for no purpose; life becomes purposeless. To me a life of servitude towards the well being of others is more meaningful if not powerful than a life of prayers. In prayers it seems one is more focussed in saving one's own skin from damnation in the afterlife, while in servitude one becomes the true servant to the Lord or the Higher Mind or whatever name one serves; you serve 'His' Creation. You become His vicegerent His Khalifah on this earth while in this life and as such you become less destructive and more creative in nature.
An awakened mind has a long road ahead towards becoming and enlightened mind. An enlightened mind has ceased to exist as a self or and entity; there is no more 'I'-ness. It is a mind absolutely purified and free from fallibility, no more errors, no more views of right or wrong for that matter, gone, gone, gone beyond the concept of right or wrong. Reaching for the other shore; "Always remember, your focus determines your reality." In the words of George Lucas of Star Wars movies.  

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