Monday, March 26, 2018

My talk- Man to Mind.

A bowl of Quaker Oats with a little milk and sugar at 1;30am, helps to soothe stomach or so they say, also suppose to lower the cholesterol level or so it seems, but I agree and so it has been a good part of my diet especially as a late night snack. It would be nice to add a few fresh strawberries and honey instead of sugar... why it is what the doctor ordered for old farts like me. It is also a great time for a cup of hot Nescafe black with hmm... sugar. Oh well small simple pleasures what can I say. Eat while you still can, my mother used to say, do not be stingy when it comes to food the money you spent is never wasted if it is paid for what you love to eat. Eating your favorite food is worth 100 percent of vitamins potency to the health of your body. However a little caution to what you throw down the hatch is in order if you are to maintain a balanced eating habit that is beneficial to your well being; too much of anything is bad for your health is the golden rule.

Now to entertain my mind or have a little romp man to mind, for lack of better things to do after an oatmeal and Nescafe- O and what with a Zen music coming from You Tube through one ear as the the ear phone is functioning at half capacity. It is a reaction to the sitting meditation to quiet the mind that the mind becomes more rambunctious and demands attention with intensity grabbing at any source that arises through the five senses to create a dialogue, a debat, a discourse a challenge with me, the observer, the witness or what you want to call me; the observing spirit of the atma-Brahman, the living. Meditation has its side effect and it is this surge of extra activity in the mental state, all those who enjoy sitting and bringing to a stand still the mind, must become aware of this paradox, that the more you bring your mind to a stand still the move it will want to move. Only constant observation and awareness of what is happening as we go along getting deeper into meditation can we perhaps bring the mind to an absolute silence for eternity; it would be a weird experience to say the least.

Under extreme conditions such as the 'floatation tank' or sensory deprivation experiment has to do with what happens when we are out of touch with our reality and in this case absolutely free from physical sensations. How does the human mind react to being held in a void an emptiness of space. When the mind has nothing to attach to from the external physical state what happens to it? The first thing that happens is fear, being deprived of external formations and sensory contacts is like running out of  air to breath. The fear leads to panic and the struggle to survive, the need for identification becomes crucial, a matter of life and death; dropping  into a Black Hole of consciousness can be unnerving, it is like the early stages of getting a heart attack or a stroke. This is when one prays to the deities of one's choice in life for deliverance.

This is where I find my deep study and understanding of my breathing techniques helps a great deal; it is all in the breath.
"Life is like a swinging door, 
You breath in, it swings in,
You breath out, it swings out,
You stop breathing, you are dead."
Can't remember where I got this from, perhaps the Zen Koans of the Blue Cliff Records.

One of the tricks employed by Zen students to bring the mind to a stand still is to hold your breath for as long as you can.This effort will help the bring the mind to a halt and puts it on a life saving mode or at the very least it will help for the mind to change the dominating subject like changing the channel on the Astro TV. The chances of ridding the mind all together is remotely possible but the mind is an essential past of our human consciousness and can be the most powerful tool in any given situation, so why does one needs to annihilate t all together? It is the presence of the mind and mental states that reminds us that we are alive. 

Hence forms and emptiness are relative and coexist as one is never without the other, form is emptiness and emptiness if form. Meditation and  few other disciplines that involves the understanding of body and mind from inside out, is a crucial tool for keeping an ongoing awareness of the workings of the human consciousness as a whole and this especially includes the inner workings of the subconscious mind. Even as I am writing this down I am allowing for my mind to express itself as most of what is said here is purely the mind talking its mind off. If you cannot stop it, play with it, dance with it make it think as much as it wants until it can think no more- what else to write? What else to think? Who is asking  and who is making this observation? 
to be Contd. -maybe.


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