Saturday, March 31, 2018

Protection and prevention is better than being sorry.

To perform the wudu or ablution before performing the solat or prayer is mandatory in Islam. Purifying oneself in a specified manner as laid down by the Prophet of Allah (PBH), This cleansing of various parts of the body including the mouth and nose, the entire face and arms followed by the ears and the top of the skull and finished off with the washing of the two feet is carried out before one steps on to the prayer mat to face Allah. It makes sense that one should be clean as much as possible in order to meet the Maker. The wudu is began with the 'niat' or intention being recited as one washes the entire face and that is to perform the ablution in the name of the All Mighty. If one performs the solat five times a day as one should being a Muslim then one is required to perform the wudu as many times unless one can guarantee that one's wudu not been nullified by an act such as going to the toilet or taking a piss or a long nap or even letting off a good fart and such act as touching a person of the opposite sex that is forbidden.

A wudu is also required to be taken when one is about to handle the  Holy Quran. It is said that no evil can approach a person when he or she has performed the wudu, this si something i heard told me when I was young, so don't quote me on this. It was even said that, the fires of hell will not touch the parts of the body that has been performing the wudu while it was alive; again just here say? I would recite the blessings to the Prophet everytime i take my wudu as a matter of practice, I am sure it is not required to do so. You wash each part of the body three times and this begins with the thorough cleansing of the palms and followed rinsing of the mouth and followed by the snorting of water up into the nostrils. Then just before you wash you entire facial area you recite the nyyah or intention.

In a hot and humid country such as Malaysia, the performing of the wudu has an added blessing as it helps to refresh the body parts and awakens the person from slothfulness. It also helps to keep the body cool at least five times a day while clearing the mind from its regular busy-ness. One feels rejuvenated and refreshed after taking the wudu and after performing the solat itself the mind becomes more clear and less scattered. I fully recommend this to all who sits and meditate even if they are non Muslims, purify the body or at least clean it in your own religious or traditional ways. Now i have done what i felt I needed to do in sharing a little about sitting meditation as I said earlier through connecting the dots and making simple sense out of what comes my way. Each religion, each faith, each school has its own ways and means, do not let names scare you like Allah is only God to me and to you it may be whatever it is you choose to be. 


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