Thursday, March 01, 2018

Does it all work?

 What is it exactly that I want out of life now that I am approaching the end of the line, what would I ask for if my wish would be granted by the 'laws of Abundance', or if I am who i claim to be, 'the master of my thoughts and consciousness', or the one who has attained to self awakening and so forth. If i am sitting before the All Mighty on my prayer mat, all i could ask for is to be forgiven for all my past sins and transgressions, large and minute, seen and unseen, knowingly or otherwise, this is all i could ask for. I have no desire for excessive wealth, never wanted a home for myself even, which may be an error by many human standards. I see no value in competing for fame either as it would only draw unwonted attention to myself and my family and so what can I as if i have wish fulfilling chance to do so? Peace and harmony? The joy of simply being who I am and being able to do as i please when it pleases me? Freedom? Free to come and go, free to say yea or nay, free to step forward or to withdraw, free not having to make any choices to realize the notion of freedom itself? However I am positive that I would be asked as to who is holding me in bondage, or as the Buddha would say, it is your ignorance that you need to free yourself from.
I spent the evening yesterday at the General Hospital visiting two patients who are related to me, they were both in the Heart care Unit suffering from one kind or another of heart ailments. I was there not too long ago, last month to be exact and spent four days bed ridden contemplating my lot while gaping at the nurses. I was  asking for good health back then which became a priority on my list of wishes naturally. I had a mild stroke and could have passed it off without being admitted to the hospital, but I needed a full medical checkup as i have not had one in years. So I went to the emergency ward and had myself checked in despite the admitting nurse's refusal to do so. They did all needed to be done and i was diagnosed with high blood pressure otherwise fit as a fiddle. I was thankful and decided to watch my body intake and activity with regard to my physical handicap. 
Now that i look back at it, I must say that having a good healthy mind and body would be on top of my list of what i would want, if there is a genea or ultimate supreme entity that can grant what i ask  of. I must say that I have been blessed thus far despite episodes of physical ailments now and then in the course of my life history. Needless to say that having a continuous good health, body mind and even spirit, is paramount on my wish list. Off course there's not much anyone can give or do about it other than myself as I am the master of body, mind and spirit or so i am made to believe by most of what i have learned. What about those that i have not learned or yet to discover? Oh well, wishful thinking? This is basically how the mind jumps about like a monkey not wanting to be pinned down nor having any sense of direction or goal. One just have to keep an eye on it constantly  so as not to loose sight of one's intentions. 
All the entries i have been making on Yoga, Zen meditation, Vipassana practices, praying five times a day, listening to the wise ones like Sadguru, Mooji Baba, Alan Watts, J.Krishnamurti, Deepak Chopra and a host of others cis so you can  have better excess to what i am sharing with whoever is interested in looking deeper into self healing or self discovery. I do not quote them or introduce the ancient teachings in order to show how much I know or how well versed i am, but just to help  my reader get better more concrete teachings. There are numerous others who can light your path if you look into it and here is where the Power of the Law of Attraction works best and that is through your intuition in making your intention heard and making the right choice in fulfilling it. 

"Ten thousand things,
all in this breath,
Grasping hold of emptiness,
there's really nothing to say."
                                             A Chinese hermit.

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