Friday, March 09, 2018

Approaching the Ultimate in Reality.

To be awaken is simply to be 'aware' of Being as Beingness is the 'real' reality as Deepak Chopra pointed out in one of his talks on You Tube. To be aware of every moment, every thought and every action in time and space of our very existence; this is ultimately what meditation is to me. We disguise this awareness in every form of action and rationalization, we pray, we meditate, we serve or be served. we interact and in our interactions express our feelings and share our dreams and aspirations, our emotions and our preferences; we create ourselves throughout our lives as we live.And when death approaches we create our afterlife as a preparation to face the unknown with better understanding; this is how we evolved to become human from just merely being and the consciousness of Being. 
From the sub atomic particles like the Higgs boson or anti matter that science has recently uncovered, to the furthest extend of the galaxies, the human mind and minds of all creatures in existence has been creating, setting in motion, manifesting and non manifesting our presence   in our environment as we see fit. Our collective consciousness is constantly working for the benefit of the whole or as in some circumstances for its demise accordingly. We are gifted the ability think and our thoughts are the building blocks of our existence whether we acknowledge it or not or whether we are aware of it or not, As individuals we create our own circumstances and we do this for the good of ourselves as well as our family and friends, our society and our nation, we serve the greater good; the whole. It is inherent in us the capacity for the understanding of the inner and outer workings of our minds and how much effect it has over the whole scenario of our existence, however we are also victims of our own ignorance of these understandings and cling on to petty thoughts and grievances, our greed, hate and delusions which acts to stump our ability to move forward more efficiently and rapidly. We see the ephemeral and the trenscient as the reality of our existence, we fail to recognize the greatness of our individual being and much more greater when shared in a collective endeavor.  
In essence we have been allotted this time of our existence on this planet and in this universe to play the divine role of creator, preserver and destroyer, ( procreator). We are not here for no good reason, we have each a role to play in the scheme of things, we are the sub atomic particles that oscillates and vibrates, that sends shockwaves upon shockwaves of energies into space to keep it moving, evolving and generating; this is our creative divine spirit,   this is what we are here for. Only our awareness of this and the capacity to express this awareness into consciousness determines how great or how small we truly are. We are indeed created in the image of our Gods and it is for us to realize what divine role we play as the in the holy trinity of, creator, preserver and destroyer and how we answer to the higher consciousness of the ultimate Being; the Lord of Creation and give Him what Name you may.   

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