Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Secret of the Golden Flower -2

"THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER says you have to be exactly in the middle, neither male nor female, no leaning to any extreme. Then there is balance. Then one is active and yet remains inactive deep inside. Then one is inactive and yet remains active on the outside. On the outside be sun-oriented, on the inside be moon-oriented. Let sun and moon meet in you, and you be just exactly in the middle. And in the middle is transcendence."

I have studied The Secret of The Golden Flower  a few years now off and on ever since I stumbled upon it on the Internet and it had become a compendium to my various other studies into the mysteries of the human mind. This s especially true in my interest various techniques of meditation such as Yoga, Zen, Tantra, Subud and so forth. I grew up staring at the horizon, at blazing sunsets, at mountain ranges and vast forests in awe, respecting the Creator whose hand had laid these wonders in front of me. I was often lost in them as though in a trance and became a part of it all until I was snapped back into myself by someone or something. Meditation  came to me quite naturally as I was also prone to day dreaming and quite often punished for t in my classrooms. However I cannot claim myself an introvert as I also like to entertain others like singing and playing the guitar, tell my tales of travels and human experiences and I have also been called a good listener. In this I find the balance between inner and outer communication like being able to share my inner self discoveries instead of being a recluse.

"The Master hinted at this secretly when he said : At the beginning of the work one must sit in a quiet room, the body like dry wood, the heart like cooled ashes. Let the lids of both eyes be lowered ; then look within and purify the heart, cleanse the thoughts, stop pleasures and conserve the seed."

Herein lies the key to the Secret of the Golden Flower in practice. The ability to meditate, to be able to brig all your thoughts to a point f concentration and finally terminate all together effortlessly is the key to immortality. Easier said than done as there are other factors to be considered after this has been accomplished. For those genuinely interested in exploring the possibility of a higher spiritual awakening through meditation and contemplation I would suggest to make a study of this ancient Sutra and perhaps your understanding will surpass mine and benefit from it more so than I have.
#The Secret of the Golden Flower, #meditation,# contemplation 

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