Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My two cents worth for 2020.

    Before I write this post I would like to send each and everyone on this Planet  -


I hope we will embrace the year 2020 with greater determination  and commitment towards our peace and prosperity, towards healing the planet with our positive collective energies. Let us all become fully awaken to Peace and Harmony for all sentient beings. Let us not dwell on the negative tendencies that we have, overcome our sense of humanity and love towards one another. We are interdependent beings and no man is an island unto himself and we share the same air and water for our lives; we are one in essence. Being charitable to those in need is the doorway towards spirituality, giving will always bring you more is the law. Let us walk together hand in hand towards the successful achievement of our vision and dreams and help others along the path.

A smile, a kind word, a cup of water, a piece of bread, "The beggar at your door is my greatest gift for you." says the Lord. If you have nothing positive to add, silence is a virtue. Life may be suffering, but you can suffer without bitterness in your heart, let this be the true mark of your integrity and perseverance as a human being. Harbor no ill will towards those who have wronged you for they too have their karmic consequences to work out. No man is free from the laws of cause and effect, we all have our baggage to carry and thus if you see your brother falling by the road with that heavy load, offer him a helping hand, or even a comforting smile of true love and compassion; judge not.

As the year 2020 approaches let us all become aware of what lay in store for us and our future generation. Lets us leave a legacy behind us that will  be remembered with dignity and pride. Let us become true custodians of our planet and take charge of its well being. Let us do our part no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. We are here not as parasites and viruses that destroys our host but we are the care givers and care takers and this is our temporary home on loan to us. let us leave it in better condition than we had found it. 

Happy New Year!

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