Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The first Step is the last..

How does one keep on getting motivated to write of paint or sing without giving up of feeling that it is all over, the end, no more to express and no new ideas or insights to share. Well one do not try to, motivation comes from doing something and as one keeps on ding it it becomes a motivation to do more and better, like a piece of art, you have to start doing it and the longer you put it off from starting the longer and harder you will find to create something. it does not matt really what it is that you have in mind to do but the moment your hand raise that paint brush or your finger touches the keyboard,, you are on your way as creative energy start to flow whenever there is conduit for it to do so. You can meditate and contemplate all you want but you have to make that initial move to act, to make things happen and with no hopes or expectations you just proceed to do so and the rest the mind will take over as the mind too is not happy not being able to be creative.

The key to healing one's body and mind it is said is in keep both in action or motion as much as possible and this is being studied and proven by neurologists and psychiatrists alike through the ages. The ind and body synchronicity is what keeps us in good health and spirit. No matter how bored or tired or fedup we are with our state of being, we can make a change by simply allowing for our body and mind to express itself in whatever form we are most comfortable with albeit art of music, gardening or hand gliding, it does not matter so long as it is done to keep the blood circulating better in the body and the mind occupied with whatever challenges tha arises from the activity, sometimes just taking a walk to nowhere can become a form of healing that is needed. Do not be afraid to leave your comfort zone and face what it is out there, this is one way to avoid your mind and body from atrophy.

  1. 1.
    (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.
    "the calf muscles will atrophy"
    synonyms:waste away, waste, become emaciated, withershrivel, shrivel up, shrink, become shrunken, dry up, decaywiltMore
  2. 2.
    gradually decline in effectiveness or vigour due to underuse or neglect.
    "the imagination can atrophy from lack of use"
    synonyms:peter out, taper off, tail off, dwindledeterioratedeclinewanefade, fade away, fade out, give in, give up, give way, crumbledisintegratecollapseslump, go downhill, draw to a close, subsideMore
As I witness a few of my peers, some younger than me passes away i asked for their reasons and most i discovered has practically given up on their body and mind maintenance especially the inner engineering as Satguru Jagjit calls it. Most has given in to the idea of growing old is about spending time in the quiet of the the home and the family or at the coffee shops and the mosques and temples; which is okay too. But growing old to me is more than just accepting what is coming at the end of our days, it is making every effort and last attempts at digging out and uprooting all there is within you and express it out especially if it is all worth sharing. The most inspiring video on YouTube I have watched related to this is an old Chinese man dancing alongside his daughter with so much fluidity and charm that it woke up in me the spirit to emulate such a soul in my late age. So I kept up with my Sitting meditation and yoga stretches, my staff or Gayong stick exercises and my writing, my cooking and my sketching whenever i get the chance to, which I do most of the time. The most difficult thing is what the question asked in the beginning, like, how does one find that motivation to do it, to make the start.

"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
Lao Tzu. 

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