Saturday, May 05, 2018

What am I librating from?

That you wish to be, you already are! Have i done all that i can do? To have succeeded is to have completed one's business on earth. Who are you right now, who do you want to become?! 

Lines and phrases picked out randomly as one listens to a few motivational talks on You Tube, they striked out as questions needing to be answered if one is to find out the truth about oneself or the truth about being human in general. These talks and presentations by the many enlightened beings out there aught to be listened to and put to practice in one way or another where it is possible. These are thoughts and ideas that are the product of lifetime discoveries made by talented individuals who see it fit to share and motivate others especially the younger generation today. These are thoughts and ideas put in simple layman's terms that can be understood readily by one and all without having to have in depth studies of the mind or the spiritual knowledge. These talks are based however upon the ancients' teachings that has been made into modern scientific studies albeit in the physical, metaphysical or the neurological schools of the sciences.
And here is the latest addition to what our human consciousness is up against, as we proceed upon this journey to find out about our original nature:- 

Liberation Unleashed is…

  • here to help you see through the illusion of a separate self;
  • a global internet-based community. Everyone is welcome to join;
  • an ever-growing movement of volunteer guides, here to Point you to no self.
Do You exist?
It is a strange question and it’s not something we normally ask. But what if the answer is no, there is no ‘you’. There is no separate self in the way it’s thought to exist. Would you have the courage and curiosity to find out for yourself?

All we do here is point. If you are a long-time seeker, or just curious about this, we invite you to investigate and explore what no self really is. This service is available to everyone, for free. Join the forum and request a guide if and when you are ready to see this for yourself. We use the Direct Pointing method, which consists of a dialogue between a guide and a seeker.
This is a process of looking at what IS; no prior knowledge or years of seeking are required. The guide poses very specific questions in order to focus the attention on the experience of the present moment. This triggers what we refer to as ‘crossing the Gateless Gate’: an instant in which the illusion of a separate self is seen through. A shift in perception happens.
We guide because we are a community that openly and freely shares what we have been given by others that did the same for us. We guide because we believe that questioning assumptions leads to freedom. You only need to bring your honesty and curiosity. We ask nothing from you except your willingness to Look. 
Well see what you make of this new collective consciousness approach towards self discovery or in this case, loosing of the self or self annihilation. If you are up to it you should give it a try, it might be what it is that you have been seeking all your spiritual life. Anatta or no-self is what the basis of the Buddha's teaching and as i have often mentioned before, when He passed on, the Buddha's final words were. "I am no more." The I, the self is no more and somewhere else the Buddha is said to have said that, so long as the I exist, suffering Is. Liberation in essence is the relinquish of the self, the I. In Islam it is the attaining to the state of 'Fana'. The end of the attachment to the separate self and thus God is One.

Again I am merely connecting the dots to see if it makes sense in all of these as i walk along this path, my chosen path towards self discovery, for one has to know the self truly realize the self of who you are before you can give it up. Otherwise there is no giving up of that which you cannot put a finger on and so the question will always remain ...Who Am I?

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