Friday, January 12, 2018

Wu wei?

I have spent hours of my time on You Tube watching anything and everything from The End of Days to Aliens, listening to Carl Sagan and Alan Watts, Mooji and SatGuru, listening to Hans Zimmer and Cat Stevens and numerous other videos some worthwhile others a waste of time; I have yet to understand why. Am I just squandering my time away while I could be doing something more useful like painting or drawing, reading or meditating? I have been doing these too throughout the day. So what is being awakened has to do with all these seemingly useless activities? Get a job? What for and doing what? I ask myself these questions all the time but the answer falls back to  what I had originally intended to do as i took upon myself to do nothing in particular and that is nothing, not-a -thing. Become an observer, a watcher and act upon what comes in the moment in time.  This was what I told myself not too long ago after having decided that nothing is worth doing and that includes this Blogging.
In the spirit of 'practice' in the Buddhist sense, i had decide to do just this and in doing so i found myself doing a great deal more than I would have normally done the the course of a day. I find myself taking care of the 'little things' like cleaning the house and feeding the cat, doing the laundry and dropping off and picking up my daughter from work and making sure she has food on the table every morning while making an effort ot pray five times a day; in doing nothing i have been doing more than what i would had i decided to do something, like work. Being awakened is nothing special except that I see myself a little more with clarity, observing, reflecting, analyzing, in other words looking deeper into the my actions and how my mind works every second and with every breath. I ssem to lack the desire to achieve or accomplish anything in particular but to just make sure that everything that I do is done with a greater sense of awareness.  
I know that this too will pass and i will have to move on when it is time to do so. Moving on to what or where will happen and of its own voilition as I will nothing to do with it in the sense of having a plan or a motive. If and when it happens it happens just as I expect my next breath will happen without any doubt for having any doubt in this would mean I am dead. Guilt, doubts, uncertainties, the feeling of low self esteem and sometimes even despair will rise and fall in the process, but as a practice I will stick to non-doing. Thoughts and ideas about politics of my country, the extraterrestrial beings, the philosphical and religious wisdom, the latest in the Art world and so forth are just like rai that falls upon the lily pads or the elephant ears.  they are merely grist for the mill of knowledge and wisdom. I listen and I watch, i study and i deliberate, but I do not attach to them as who I am. It is like watching a never ending movie about life simply because i am here in this theater.
Being awakened is nothing to brag about as it is something that comes and goes just like everything else, nothing is permanent. Perhaps i am drifting towards falling asleep again and am only kidding myself about being in the state of wakefulness, but then again how would i know? From my past experiences as i have written in this Blog, the realization usually happens when the 'stick'falls  upon my back, the wake up call or as the Zen school would have it, the 'jKeisaku stick' or the sword of Manjusri strikes.
In Zen Buddhism, the keisaku is a flat wooden stick or slat used during periods of meditation to remedy sleepiness or lapses of concentration. This is accomplished through a strike or series of strikes, usually administered on the meditator's back and shoulders in the muscular area between the shoulder blades and the spine
 It is when shit happens as some say that you realize whether you are asleep or awake and in the meantime life goes on and you stick to your practice no matter; of non-doing. Wu wei or inactive action. 
Wu Wei (chinese, literally “non-doing”) is an important concept of Taoism and means natural action, or in other words, action that does not involve struggle or excessive effort. Wu wei is the cultivation of a mental state in which our actions are quite effortlessly in alignment with the flow of life. This going with the flow, although it may be greatly productive, is characterized by great ease where we spontaneously act perfectly.

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