Thursday, January 04, 2018

A Leech tale...

Being in the jungle has many draw backs such as bugs and ants, mosquitoes and my favorite, leeches. Leeches are a real pest as they are out to get your blood and they get to your body without you even noticing it until they are fat full of your blood and drops off leaving behind an itch. When you reach it to scratch the itch you find blood dripping from it and you start looking for the culprit and there it lay like a small ball at your feet. Until you are used to it you start stomping on it trying to kill it in disgust, venting out your anger at this tiny creature that had just sucked a few drops of your precious blood in order that it may live, this is how it is. The someone who has lived in the forest tells you to take it easy and allow for some compassion towards the creature as you are the one who has imposed yourself into its environment; if you don't like leeches go live in the city. But it takes time to get used to these little slimy, slippery, slithering creatures that once got a hold on your skin will be damned hard to get rid of. It is best to let it take a little of your blood and be done with it my friend told me, small sacrifice but it will release itself when its ready and leaves no itch after.
The reason I brought up the this issue about leeches is because of and experience i had a few days back while hanging out with my friend at the fisherman's jetty. There were three of us and the third guy i never met before but who decided to join us anyway. He was not someone i enjoyed being in the company of and I could feel that he was also a burden to my friend who it seems was at one time a fellow classmate of this guy. I pretty much sat quietly listening to the two going at each other and felt sorry for my friend trying to apologize to me for the whole situation. The guy was loud and obnoxiyous to say the least and was trying hard to draw me into the conversation. After a while i was ready to leave the scene and my friend looked at me almost asking me to help him out right in front of this guy. I told both of them to be quiet for one thing cause that was why I was there, to chill. Then I told my friends that there is not much they can do but to accept the situation and not try to fight it, because no matter what they do the cannot change one another at fifty one years of age.However they can  change themselves of their own bad habits, especially those habit that they dislike about in each other. So it is best to just roll with the punch until it wears itself off on its own and usually it takes a shorter time than if you fight it. Just let him rave and rant all he wants and when he runs out of juice he will pipe down on his own accord. No hard feelings on both sides and perhaps we can learn a thing or two in the process about ourselves. 
I told them that I was in no position to judge them  but as I am older than both of them to speak my piece seeing that i was asked to. I told them the I had no idea who one of them was as we just met and that I was a guest in their circle and so I my perception goes to both of them as an advice. I was telling both in short to act their ages when in the company of strangers especially one who is older than you. I left them hoping that I got the message across and as i was walking home i realized that there was some similarity between the leeches in the jungle and my experience with others in the city. Let the little bugger has its fill and drop off rather than try so hard to remove it leaving behind its teeth that cases more itch. Acceptance in action, my first lesson of 2018.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you.
-the Infant Jesus of Prague