Friday, January 05, 2018

Indeed we are apes!

In Islam it is said that the angels are constantly watching over us humans and trying their best to influence us in our daily lives towards living a holistic if not a Divine inspired life. Ofcourse atheists would cry out that there is no proof of their existence, just like there is no proof of unicorns or fairies exist. However for the blind color perhaps does not exist but it does not mean that there is no red or blue for those who are able to see. Ofcourse to the atheist God is a figment of imagination of humanity and science can proof this no doubt, in time. In the meantime atheist survives primarily on the human ignorance of religion itself as each group or sect develops their own interpretation and in most cases exploitation of their religions for self serving benefits such as power or wealth and no religion escapes from this abuse. Religions are mostly distorted from their original teachings by greed, hate and ignorance of its devotees down through the ages and atheist finds every loopholes in this weakness to cry foul over the existence of a Divine presence.
I have yet to hear an atheist raising the fact of free will as an issue when condemning a religion. The fact that man is given free will to make his own choice to belief or not to belief is fundamental in most religious faith.The fact that we are given the faculty to think should be a clue to whether there is or there is not a Divine essence that oversees existence itself. Science would like to replace religion and perhaps establish itsellf as the true religion and the likes of Richard Dawkins as one of the Messiah, however it is yet to be seen if science can create a living blade of grass or a mosquito out of nothing to qualify for this role.
Atheists likes to use the wars and atrocities caused by religious conflicts as a factor why religions are evil. however the fact that it was through scientific means that hundreds of thousands are killed in modern warfare that has nothing to do with religious conflicts but human greed, hate and ignorance. Hundreds if not thousands of nuclear warheads are standing ready in arsenals all over the world ready to end this world as we know it and what has religion to do with it? Ofcourse religion has is the scapegoat and the best of reason for a conflict as it can easily be manipulated by the powers that be as a tool for future wars. man is by nature the most heinous of God's creature when it comes to killing and religions has been a major factor that being used to provide for this insatiable urge to kill or be killed. Did God created us with this innate murderous nature? No! Man is capable of thinking for himself and collectively and we chose to be what we are; free will. There is not a thing science can do to stop this and I wish, as a believer that there is; it is no easy matter to have a faith. To worship a Higher Being and not just blind faith but through the revelations of Prophets, of Saints and Sages in the human history who have been a conduit for the guidance or our spiritual and moral development as human beings lest we worship our own egotistical tendencies as we are doing in this modern day and age; lest we get away with murder.
Today science has become a tool for political and world dominance as the strong takes every advantage to lead man astray and kill for the sake of killing to fulfill hidden agendas. Richard Dawkins like to resort to reason but refues to acknowledge that fact that 911 is still under investigation as to what really happened, or who create the armies of murderous ISIS, or why Iraq today id a mess much much worse tha when Saddam Husein was in power. Most of todays wars are no better than ancient tribal wars for the domination of one nation over another for whatever reason or excuses and God has very little to do with most. Allah is the Great Tester and we are here on this planet to be tested of the power of good and evil and it looks like we are choosing more evil than good. God is not the cause for the destruction of humanity and this planet, science is as it tries to play God through the George Bushes, the Rockefellers, the George Sorros  and the Dupont, Monsantos and Baer groups. God is watching all this with great disappointment for as His finest of creations we have fucked up and science will reveal  it all for us?
Yes it is safer to assume that there is no after life and that there is no one to answer to after we have raped pillaged and plunder , in the name of God, but I fear that there a Day of Reckoning and I am sure the Atheists will have their answers then; if not well muhanity is truly a screwed and i salute the likes of Richard Dawkins and his cohorts. Yes if there is no afterlife then we are truly apes of the worse kind.        
Man can only propose, God will dispose.
And the Truth shall set you free.
WallahuAllam, only The Lord knows.   
The Root of All Evil is Ignorance.


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