Friday, March 08, 2024

Reflecting upon DEATH - An Inside Story by Sadghguru.


Salutations to the Guru...

Almost through reading Sadhguru's book DEATH - An Inside Story and it has been quite an enlightening read as far as death is concern. Sadhguru's flair for dramatics always strikes me in his talks and presentations has always seemed to me typical of the Indian character as sometimes pushing it overboard with slight exaggerations as in Hindi movies and news casts. If you watch the Indian version of the News on Gaza or the World news as presented by Gravitas an Indian News Channel you will feel that tension created to capture your attention by the presenter and usually the accompanying music score will make you feel like you are watching an action movie than watching a TV News. The pension for exaggeration and dramatics are an accepted trait for the non-Hindu Malaysians and having grown up among Hindus and having relatives who are Indians I have to agree with this perception. Sadhguru's book is no doubt full of information on the 'Art of death and Dying,' and is a great compendium for all who seek to understand the topic especially if they are Hindus or have a good grasp of Indian myths and lore or ancient traditional teachings inherent in India like the Vedas and the Upanishads. It is good for those more familiar with Hinduism and the Sanskrit literature that delivered the teachings. it is not for the Muslims or even the Buddhists mush less for the Jews as these other cultures and religions have their own version of Death and Dying scenarios. The Bardo Todol or the Tibetan Book of the Dead is an instructional manual for the person who had just died and it lasts for 49 days and the Muslims has the two angels Mungkar and Nakir waiting with their who is your God questions so you can be categorized as to your position in the after death state. All these differences will take a whole lot od doing and thinking to fit in with Sadhguru's teachings on death and I am highly doubtful that people today are much into seeking for answers when it comes to the spiritual subject like Death.

Today I find not too many people are into reading books anymore and much less reading about the nature of life and death or any spiritual or philosophical interests. Great teachers like J.Krishnamurti and Sadghguru themselves were the first to claim that they never read any scriptures or spiritual books, it is no their style. However they write books and it is good that others buy and read them as they deserve to be read for better to understand what these great minds are sharing for the better of humanity. It may not be appealing to all however if some can understand and grasp the meaning to their teachings it would help to make for a better world.  I have a slight prejudice against Indian Gurus, mystics or otherwise, they for me, tend to blow up things making it larger than life. Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh or later known as Osho created a big show that captured a larger audience but fell from grace in disgrace at the end of his life to name a few Gurus who made it a great show selling Hinduism to the West. No doubt there were and still are great masters whose words and teachings has reached many however with less fanfare and tour de force. This is one of the reasons why I have a great respect for the Great Sage of Arunachala- Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi and The great Guru Nisargadata Maharaj and Neem Karoli Babaji and among others who had their teachings spread far and wide for them by those who sat their feet out of love without any advertisements and theatrics. These great Hindu Gurus never set out to save anyone but they ended up saving the world with their way of life and teachings.  

The Dalai Lama and the late reverend Thich Nhat Hahn are two great Buddhist minds whose works and teachings has touched the hearts of many regardless of their race, culture or religion without raising the ire of those whose religions they touched in the effort to foster goodwill and and unity among man. Again the devil is in the details, and i am not going to loose my sleep on the fact after watching a video on You Tube of Sadhguru making efforts to reach out to Muslims I don' think it had a positive outcome overall. Perhaps it is not his fault that his efforts in getting his message across is being hijacked by lesser sensitive and cognizant people who portray his effort as more of a chastisement and a challenge than a call for unity and understanding among religions. Instead of sending out peace messages the individual interjected clips of Muslims in the act of violence while relaying the message that Sadhguru was trying to send to Muslims. No man likes to be made to feel inferior especially not by someone who is not of the same faith or religion as he is.  

Sadhguru being a Mystic and so on, a man who can recount his past lives, a man who is hailed by the rich and poor alike in  India and abroad, who am i to pass any judgement on how or what he should do. But this is my Blog and I am a free man in my country to make my observations and voice my opinion if and when I see shit is about to happen and shit doe happen only sometimes when there too much shit one cannot tell where or who owns it. I am waiting to hear what he has to say about the suffering in Gaza or if he even is going to make an effort to provide some form of aid towards the starving children through the Isha Foundation, it would be nice, if Mother Theresa were still alive I have no doubt that she would have taken some form of action regardless of which side Modi stands in this catastrophe. However India has her own shit to shovel and taking on other country's issues might not be expedient especially when it involves Muslims. 

This is my sincere perceptions of what I see and hear, no disrespect or  negative emotional attack on the works and teachings of the Guru. 

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