Saturday, December 30, 2023

My will is Thy Will is my will.


As has become the routine in my life of late, I wake up to the call to prayer from the nearby Penang State Mosque or The Masjid Negeri in Bahasa Malaysia. and followed by my feline companion Firby demanding to be fed. Aches and pains here and there immediately slowed my movement and the need to pee took over and to the bathroom I struggle. From peeing it led to washing doing the Wudu as prescribed for prayer and back to the bed where i sat in meditation observing the rise and dispersing of the aches and pains from my body and they all would normally do leaving me more or less feeling light and comfortable. My prayer while sitting in meditation, is always pretty much the same reminding myself of Allah, God, Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and a host of others of my Podcast Gurus, Teachers and Friends asking for forgiveness and expressing gratefulness for yet another awesome sunrise outside my window; 'get busy living or get busy dyeing, I tell myself. Even the Gods have a routine of one form or another in their existence.

Then I attend to Firby and the pigeons waiting to be fed and this followed by doing the dishes and watering the plants; this has been my daily morning routine. It's tedious, boring if not dehumanizing sometimes but it has kept me pretty much on the path towards growing old and not becoming a useless antique. To keep body mind and spirit in alignment as much as possible even if  I am in actuality a Buddha, an Awaken one like all other Buddhas, even if I am the ParamaBrahman or the Essence of God's presence and I am beyond all these routines even if I have transcended this  life of impermanence and illusory, even if ... but i have realized that from the beginning I am subjected or conditioned by the dual thinking projection of my mind. I cannot assume a divine status till I let go of my ego completely; and like the Buddha, I can say, I am no more on my last breath in this physical form. Innalillahiwa'innalillahi -rajiun... from Thee i come to thee i return.", My Father and I are One; the merging of all differences in Unity.

It is almost impossible to become totally detached from being involved in doing whatever it is that is being done from moment to moment for the mind has a story to tell with each and every movement of the body mind and soul; the I is always imposing itself as the performer, the actor.{the Doer}. The Chinese Taoist principle of wu wei or inactive action, or detached involvement and the Hinayana Buddhist practice of bare attention or nonattachment among other wisdom of the ancient is to help me with the Right Understanding that it is all an illusion for so long as I am ignorant of my Buddha Nature or that which is before i was. It is all words and expressions often being applied in order to justify my so called existence in this realm. In essence the second question after the question of Who am I is What is my purpose for being here in this moment of space and time? This reminds me of a folk story I once read which was told by an African tribe the Yuruba if I am not mistaken.

A hunter was snooping and searching around in the bushes one day and suddenly stumbled upon a bleached human skull on the ground. "What brought you here?!" the hunter in his excitement asked. "Talking brought me here!", the skull immediately replied. The hunter almost falling backwards on his butt yelled again, "What brought you here?!" "Talking brought me here!" again answered the skull. After a while the hunter took off excited and headed for the tribal village where he headed to the Chief's hut to announce his amazing discovery. The chief who was busy entertaining his many wives and consorts was reluctant to entertain the hunter but gave in after seeing the hunter was very adamant about his story. So together with his trusted warriors the Chief followed the hunter to where he found the skull. Upon reaching the skull the hunter started asking the skull the same question till he was flabbergasted and desperate when the skull make no reply. To make it short, there are now two skulls laying on the ground where there was once only one.

I am like the hunter and for as long as I am posting this Blog, I am here, the writing brought me here. There is no purpose in life, it is said, until you give it one and i keep on asking what is my purpose? The answer is this very act of sharing my life's experience as I am doing now, in this moment. I am here in this space and time because I am exposing and projecting myself in the form of this Blogging with the hope that I can make a small difference towards sharing my thoughts and actions, making sense out of non-sense often enough. If I am God, I am playing hide and seek with myself while I am in this playground, I am the fool and the wise playing my role, justifying my purpose for being here. I am also the witness of the outcome of these roles I play. The choice has always been mine throughout my life and by my will alone i have created, projected, but only by surrendering to the Divine Will do i feel like i am free to make my choices. WallhuAlam, then again, only The Lord knows. 



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