Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"Christ in the Rubble," - A Christmas that will go down infamously in History.


So what is happening in the Gaza right now? On this Christmas Day, the Day of Our Lord's birthdate, what is happening in the Holy Land where it all happened, for which today there are billions of Christians all over the globe commemorating this event that took place in a manger, in a corner street of Bethlehem, some, God knows how long ago. Today this very same spot is being transformed in to a killing field that would put Pol Pot to shame and Chairman Mao roll in his grave and even Hitler would stop and wonder at the audacity and cruel treatment of the Zionist Military Army are imposing upon the civilian of Palestine.

Merry Christmas! and A Ho!Ho!Ho! to one and All

No amount of justification can deter the fact that we collectively as human specie are complicit and direct or indirectly responsible and will be held accountable for the Chaos in the Holy Land of Israel and Palestine . Three religions find their roots there from the times of Abraham, Moses and Jesus later to be followed by Muhammad whom the Muslim calls the Seal of the Faith. However in reality each and every one of the three faith harbors nothing but contempt and animosity towards one another; rarely does a Jew , a Christian and a Muslim can be found sitting and discussing the three religions as a daily discourse or chatting about whatever name they use to call Him, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, Allah{AWJ}. Do we worship one God or three? Then there are those religions that has very little or nothing to do with the religion of the Book. Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrian, Taoism, Shintoism, the animism of the Aboriginals and Wakan Tanka or Great Spirit of the Universe that Native Americans seek wisdom and refuge from. I always ask, who introduced the word 'God' into Christianity or where does the word originate from? In God we Trust! It would be naive if not a liable mistake to blame God for all the pain and suffering going on in Gaza and elsewhere on the Planet and not to mention the state of the Planet itself, but it sometimes does makes me think of what really is the Lord's game plan for us. 

Someone said, Jesus died on the cross as an atonement for God's errors with His original plan. Like saying hey, I am sorry for not being more sensitive and conscious about the repercussions of any error in My Creation and so I sacrifice 'My only Begotten Son' or 'My self in the flesh' to say I am sorry. Just my mind wondering where does it all began and when does it end? I keep asking such mundane questions in my mind just to keep myself from thinking negative thoughts or allow for my nafs or ego to stroll into my consciousness and make itself at home for good. I will and could never question My Lord's presence and the Power that makes it all happen is His and He wills it as It is, I am merely a witness, one who connects the dots as best i can to make sense of as much of the Lord's works as I possibly can in the effort to justify what is going on in Palestine. 

The Christmas Spirit is my Spirit, my joys and Bliss and the same with the rest of humanity, at least those whose heart is widely open to embrace all religions, faith and belief, regardless of their origin. The Christmas I celebrate is no different from the Aidil Hadzhar or Aidil Fitri, or Deepavali or the Lunar month of Chines New Year. We celebrate ourselves, our presence and our unity in this life and we assume that we are doing it for other reasons. It is in the collective spirit that we can make changes in this world and at the present moment the power that be is bound and determine at setting the course for self destruction of humanity if not the Planet itself.  How does one change the course of history or stop history from repeating itself, how do we avoid a Third World War? 


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