Saturday, December 16, 2023

As I talk of My self and My Lord - Why so much Pain and Suffering?


" I want you to be Happy!" God said to me,

And I want you to make others Happy as your service to Me!

 So! stop groveling about your life! LIVE! in My Name..."

And the Ego answers, "Easier said than done My Lord! Yet Thy Will will be done, Insha'Allah!, SubhanAllah. I will do my best to come closer to Your Throne my Lord!" This the Nirmanakaya of the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni Gautama, I avow! I will serve my time in this realm as a Bodhisatva as I have made this vow before before my fellow brothers and sisters of the Green Gulch Zen Community in Marin County, California. During every full moon of my Zen Practice at the Green Dragon Zen Temple at Green Gulch farm, the whole community of Sangha gathers and performs the Bodhisatva Vows of nine Prostrations. This was the most enlightening moment of my practice as a Zen Student for almost two years. It took me more the thirty years for me to awaken to this realization but it so happens. If i am asked what did i take away from my Zen Practice , I would declare this to be it .. I am rambling or just beginning to ramble, see where it takes.

" Beings are Numberless, I vow to awaken with them!

Dellusions are in exhaustible I vow to end them!

The Dharma Gates are boundless, I vow to enter them!

Buddha's Way is Unsurpassable I vow to attain It"

Enter my sacred heart, welcome to the Unreal, the realm of the Senses!

I Am WHOLE!, Complete and perfect! Strong and Powerful!, Loving and Compassionate! Harmonious and HAPPY!, I can do what I will to do... Insha'Allah.. God Willing! iN MY lORD i tRUST!. 

Somewhere from within the rubbles of the Gaza Strip, the voice reached out, Ya Allah! Please save me!" and from the depth of the debris the voice cried out..."Innalillahi wa' inna lillaH! Allahu Akbhar!" From Him I have come, unto Him I return! and the voise fade into the settling dust of the massive Air srtike!

O'Gaza, This being weep for you and your children; I am too old to raise my fist much less carry a rifle, however my thoughts and feelings are with you like the burning pain I feel at the center of my chest! I can only express my deepest condolence through my Blog for what is manifesting in your presence, at this moment. 

I call upon myself and the rest of the world to practice whatever it is that you have within your spiritual self, your faith and your determination, let us as a collective spirit focus out attention to a single pointedness of Peace to prevail over Chaos, Joy over Sorrow, Light over Darkness," let's pray!

Let's Sit! Let's empty our minds of  unneeded thoughts and consciousness, imaginations and perceptions, let us empty ourselves of our Egoic Nature...yadda ...yadda! At this day and age you either have it or you don't it is almost too late to matter at the rate our humanity is being put to the grinder of Love and Compassion, being a Man or a Beast! For every infants life taken we are being judged All of us! We are implicit in being responsible for what this planet is suffering from. We are not free from any of it on account of ignorance; it is our humanity's Collective Karma. For we are Violent and aggressive in nature from the time of Caine and Abel! We have our dark shadows following us wherever we go. The Jihad is not in killing others but in killing the arrogance of Ego nature, that has become who we think we are. Our attachment to the very narrative that i am writing about my self is an attachment and so long as one is attached to phenomena and experience one will always have difficulty in reaching a state of  Peace  and Liberation from this Maya or The Unreal form of existence.  How can I be of service to this realm of  Samsara of Suffering? Beings are numberless! I Vow to Awaken with Them! 

Who am I?

What am I?

Not his body nor this mind, so, 

who am I?

Who is asking? or what is asking?

Don't get caught into this net of dual thinking mind and hold on to what is, a little bit longer, like holding you breath in a single moment of bliss free from thoughts, hold on to the silence for a moment longer every time you find it in between your in and out breaths. In this Silence it is said God speaks to you. How else? When else if not Now?! It has been past the time of our awakening from this nightmare we call living, too mush pain and suffering too much sacrifices of innocent lives for the destructive gods. We need to wake up from this sleep and shout it out on the hills and  at the top of the mountains of Human Consciousness where it may be found; Wake UP! Stay Awake! Don't be fooled! 

"Bahari San! What is the Imperturbable Mind?"  "Junpo San! Eido Shimano Roshi was not too bad for an Abbot of the Rinzai School! He almost had it completely except he rattled about me not being welcomed to the Daibosatsu Zendo in New York. It was lame even for a Zen master looking from the spirit of the Rinzai School 0f Zen Buddhism. My late Friend and Teacher, Junpo San the, the Imperturbable Mind is Silence,{not the word itself}but Complete Silence, emptiness of silence...there is not such thing as an imperturbable mind! There is no mind to begin with! 

For those having the faintest Idea of what i was rambling on about my friend Junpo Kelly, you may find the subject written in my earlier posts on the matter. But not important as it is just me rambling on for lack of better things to do with myself. However personally this short detour in time and space was ,it was what was in my mind at that moment, why? or how? Who know knows and cares anymore. Some episodes in life are hard to let go of until fully grasped and understood, reconciled and removed for good. Emptying the mind of the past takes more than just trying to forget but also complete absorption into supreme ocean consciousness, just a a wave returns to the sea. 

A moment of silence, of solitude, of meditative consciousness is worth a lifetime of incessant thinking. This is the eternal state of being, the zero state at the center of consciousness itself, this is the I; the Whole, Complete and Perfect; he fully Awakened Mind of the Buddha Nature in the Buddha Dharma Realm of existence...the Eternal I, the Supreme I; the non-Existence I... I Am No More. Gone, Gone, Gone from the concept of the word I. The Ultimate Mergence of all Differences into the one single point at the center of the ocean of consciousness the Zero point of Shiva/ Shakti, of the Ying and Yang, in a moment of Silence you can achieve Transcendence and Liberation from this world of Maya and suffering even if it was at the flash of the lightning in the span of time. A glimpse of what is The Real is a Glimpse of what is the Unreal both are states of consciousness one is without the other, the choice is mine to make, to settle for the Real or Un-Real, the Eternal or the Impermanent, Light or Darkness? Pain and Pleasure. In Silence lies the Answer, {not in words}.: in the center of the Ground Zero of Awareness.

And so on we and my shadow.

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