Monday, December 11, 2023

Great Men/ Minds I grew up with.

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi a Soto Zen monk and teacher who helped popularized Zen Buddhism in the United States. He was born in 1904, in Kanagawa, Japan and died in 1971 in the United States. I was introduced to the Roshi's teaching when i was in Green bay, Wisconsin and was shopping at Waldrn Book Store where i stumble upon his well read book "Zen Mind Beginner's Mind."`I read the book while on a flight home to Malaysia soon after.

The teachings and the Soto Zen School went on to play a vital part later in my life where in the 1980s I found myself  on the steps of the San Francisco Zen center at 300, Page Street. Although I was dismissed at the Center when I first arrived i later became a student at the green Gulch Zen Community in Marin County. Green Gulch is a part of the San Francisco Zen Community.

"When we emerge from nothing, when everything emerge from nothing, we see it all as Fresh new creation. This is Non- Attachment." - Zen master Shunryu Suzuki. #shunryusuzukiroshi, #zenmindbeginnersmind

Jedu Krishnamurti stepped into my life when I was a student at the university of Wisconsin in Green Bay. I was working my way as a librarian and discovered one of his books by chance. It was being exposed to his works and that of Alan Watts whose works were also found on the same shelf that set me on my spiritual quest of self discovery. It was in the early 1980s just before i graduated that i found myself embarking upon my present journey.

"We are nothing but memory and it is to that memory we are attached. My house, my property, my experience, my relationship, the office, the factory I go to, the skill I like being able to use during a certain period of time - I am all that. To all that thought is attached, this is what we call living."

"You are the World!"   - J. Krishnamurti

"John Huston.Marcellus Huston was an American filum director, screen writer and actor. He wrote the screenplay for most of the 37 feature filum he directed, many of which are today considered classics. many of the filums involves themes such as religion, truth, freedom, psychology, colonialism and war. "- Wikipedia.

Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place they're capable of anything.

I have a great admiration for the works and personality of John Huston from way back when just as I have had great admiration for Marlon Brando, Charleston Heston, Paul Neuman, Kirk Douglas, Yul Brynner and Anthony Quin  as great actors; they made Hollywood.                                                                   

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