Sunday, July 30, 2023

What's Your Story?


A friend asked why I Blog. The answer is in the Blog I told him, read it if you dare or forever stop asking why this or why that. Until you have ventured into the extent of the matter it does not really matters why or why not. Whatever it is that you do in this life whatever you intend to create or become you have to stop asking questions and step into the experience with a clear or devoid of any intention and disregard the outcome of what it will be. So long as you keep on trudging with no specified motive or intention, you are free from conditioning or being conditioned into performing an act that has a motive or an ending, this Blog has no beginning nor an end just like the Blogger. Perhaps it is one form of time wasting or killing time as they say, but then you are drawn into question or what what is time? How can time be wasted or how does one kill time? At the highest understanding of the spiritual  in most ancient religions time is non- existent, time is a mental formation that is not registered in the ultimate consciousness of being. And one can go on and on rambling this non-sense until you run out of time, perhaps only to find what you are looking for or the answers to the question you are asking is all answered in time. So, why do I keep writing this Blog; why do you keep reading this Blog?

I vent my  anger and frustrations, my happiness and gladness, my sorrows and pain my loneliness and despair, my jubilation and self aggrandizement, I sing my ballads and play my songs, these I do when I write; what else is there to do? After all this is Friday morning and Fridays have always been an auspicious day, of reflection and contemplation, of worshipping and meditating, Fridays have always been a day in the week where grace and Blessing or shit happens. Whatever or whichever it is best to keep an open mind and accept what happens as it happens and surrender it all to the will of the Lord till Saturday comes. Yes, this another way of spending my time or how my mind occupies itself with time. Oh I have done my meditation, sat just as the call for the Subuh or morning prayer came from the State Mosque and I did my worship reciting from the few verses that I remember all these years and ask The Lord for His Mercy and Forgiveness, for my transgressions of the past, future and present and I have done the dishes immediately after feeding the cat and the birds, I have also did the laundry and cleaned the toilets and bathrooms and after listening  twice repeatedly to Sunyamurti Satsang on You Tube, as once is not enough to fully grasp his teachings/ now I am sitting here wasting my time, So why do I Blog? The day I can breeze through the morning without having to justify my existence or create a fictional story is the day I will be liberated; so question immediately follows, how do I attain this liberation? The answer is in the Blog, some where of the 2596 entries made thus far according to the stats shown. 

We are story tellers and the most common of stories we tell is that of who we are or who we think we are as a character in this story we have been creating. We tend to make it as dramatic and as awesome as it can be to keep the flow going and attract those who like to read  to share in our story. In the words of Suniamurti, Man should be called a homo-fiction rather than homo-sapiens. Most of us have our own tales of "The Thousand and One Nights," or better known as 'The Arabian Nights.' This is how we keep ourselves entertained, creating fictional stories with a pinch of the truth in them. This is how we complain, blame others, justify to ourselves, moan and groan over events that have affected us especially in the negative ways. We become the protagonist, the antagonists and we wield our swords and sling our sub-machineguns, we become the victims and the torturer  all in one episode of our lives. When we run out of  plots to write about we resort to external fictions created by others to add an angle to our stories. 

So what's your story? 


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