Saturday, January 11, 2020

My 3 cents worth - Madame Latifa Koya

As much as my heart and mind resists to make any comment or personal observation with regards to the the ongoing foot dragging trials of the 1MDB involving the former Prime Minister and a host of others along with, I feel like I am no better than those who are living in denial if not blind to the fact that billions of dollars have been siphoned from the country's coffers by the former ruling party members in one way or another. It would seem like those who perpetrated these scams are the untouchables simply because they were  in the seats of power elected there by the very people they rob. Forget the Billions but just watching suitcases filled with expensive items being carried out from the home of the former Prime Minister alone was enough to turn my stomach upside down; such is unjustifiable greed. When the very head of state commits such an act of wanton disregard for common decency, it is sad and it reflects upon the nation as a whole.

Thus when the head of the MACC made public the wiretaps of conversations carried out by the former PM with those who were involved in the scandal, I was both shocked and at same time felt a sense of hope for justice. Here at last is someone who dares to take the bull by the horns and face whatever consequences by revealing what needs to be heard by the public in general to wake us all up to the reality that we have been living in under the guise of rule of law. The public exposure of  these tapes will have repercussions in the court of law as I am sure the lawyers will have field day making sure that the drama will be kept on dragging into a never ending episodes as they still gets their salary paid and the perpetrators runs free while thumping their noses at the justice system and the ordinary people. 

The fact that these tapes were made public, the MACC chief has rattled many cages and blown the case open to the public interest and scrutiny once again, as Malaysians not just Malays. mudah lupa. Even the men chatting in the coffee shops and barber shops now have an idea of what is possible when it comes to Greed and the abuse of power. Right or wrong what the MACC Chief did was a wake up call to All and how this revelation will play out in court will further reveal how reliable is our justice system, It is not just a matter if the former PM and his wife and all those who have their fingers in the pie are guilty of not, it is our justice system that is on trial. Let us all sit and watch as the drama unfolds and live and learn of how our very lives and future are being manipulated left and right by those who swore to uphold the law. 

My deepest respect to the Lady who dared to defy the norm and take the risk upon herself to expose the stench that would have otherwise remained hidden from the general public. What was to stop her from playing along and not jeopardize her career? As a Muslim, I feel she has acted from a higher call for to reveal the truth of our justice and judiciary system that has been plagued by corruption far too long. It is time to wake up and demand that justice be made clear and transparent beyond any reasonable doubt and no more foot dragging. otherwise the potential sacrifice made by the Lady at the MACC would be in vain. I call it a career sacrifice cause that is what she has committed and lawyers on both sides will jump up and down on this issue alone as this is what the Malaysian Judiciary System has amount to; lost in the grey areas, areas only lawyers understand. 
# Latifa Koya,#MACC,#1MDB, 

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