Thursday, April 26, 2018

Prolonging the impermanent.

Lower back pain has been acting up on me of late and a little unease with a shortness of breath, something to worry about? Yes, perhaps at 69 one cannot swipe it off as to be expected and take no action. So stretching the extension chord across the living room I have moove to the dining table where instead of sitting at the edge of the sofa and bending over to type I am sitting more comfortable, maybe help ti ease my back.  Yep, getting up there in age means a whole lot of being aware of the need for good postures and alignment of the body, it becomes an essential part of the routine. It is also essential to monitor more closely the intake of food and drinks naturally along with watching what comes out so as to make sure that the engine is recycling itself properly. Never too late to look into these taken for granted daily habits, such as doing a little bit of yoga stretching and deep breathing through arms swinging and a few weight lifting workout with the dumbbells. All these morning routine helps to ease the lower back and make for better breathing, not to mention shape the body up a little especially around the waist.

Self motivation is a tough act to follow as there is no one to hit you with a stick or coax you with a carrot, you are your own taskmaster. In the effort to keep my mind mind occupied with higher goals and ideals, in order to have a sense of greater purpose added to my daily life, I have purservered in keeping this ongoing journal adding a paragraph almost daily and to what purpose? Self discovery, self mastery, self understanding, self reflections, self healing; yes I have been doing it all for my 'self'. As I have time and again mentioned in the past, as I approach death, I would at the very least, like to understand why was I alive in the first place. Was there a purpose to all these years of falling and rising, crawling and running, crying and laughing; or is it all for nothing.

My daughter Marissa's first fortune cookie

All that life has to offer is out there for you to partake in and how or what you partake in is entirely up to you, but words to the wise is, take it all in, in moderation. know when enough is enough and be charitable in letting go of what you don't really need so that others too can enjoy what you have earned. Laws of Abundance aside, giving is a great virtue by all counts. Blessing comes in many forms and is recognized in one, and that is in giving, when you give the blessing falls on both the giver and the receiver; it is a sign of gratefulness.

Being thankful for what we have and being grateful for what has been given to us is another form of healing as it awakens us to the fact that we as a human specie are interdependent upon one another. We cannot escape from the fact that we are the result of all that we have come into contact with as we walk through this life, we touch others as they touch us. It took numerous minds and hands to create this lap top and same goes to the breakfast i just had and the sarong I am wearing. I am grateful to all in making my temporary stay on this planet more bearable by their participation in creative spirit. The farmers that grow the vegies and the fishermen that brought home the catch, put lunch on my table. I lived benefitting from this chain of interdependence and for this I am eternally grateful to the whole.

The ground I walk on, the air I breath, the fire that gives me heat and the water that quench my thirst, all these elements are equally essential to my existence and I am constantly aware of how I should keep the balance of these elements within me. I am made from all these elements aligned together in good proportion to create this physical body in which I am at home, it is the only vehicle I have to manifest my inner nature to the external world. Hence, care for it I must, I have to, to make it last and productive before it all comes apart and no amount of attention can reverse its process of decadence. 


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