Friday, April 13, 2018

My message to the nation.

Most of us, if not all of us wants nothing more than a peaceful and prosperous life to live with in this country where all is as fair as fair can be. There is not an issue  or a problem that cannot be resolved through honesty and integrity, through trust and faith. This country of ours, Malaysia, is a wealthy country with almost every form of resources readily available albeit material or human resources. We are a nation that can be proud of multi-diversity of culture and traditions and have survived this diversity as a unified country  despite differences. So why is it not working? Why is the country reeling with economic downturn and racial and religious bigotry making their negative impact on the society as a whole? 

Is it Greed? Hate? or pure Ignorance that is robbing us of our sanity, dignity and driving us towards the brink of self destruction. Yes, I sense with trepidation that the upcoming General Election might result in violence as has happened before in 1969 when racial riots tore the country apart. I hope and pray that  the May 13th. incident of 1969 will not repeat itself as it will throw us as a nation back into darkness leaving behind a broken dream for our children and theirs. We each and every single able thinking individuals regardless of our color or faith from every walk of life, must look deep within us and ask, what is it that we want to achieve for the upcoming election; peace and prosperity or chaos and travesty. We will be observed by the world as we make our choices for we have been in the limelight of international governance. The fate of our nation, our future generation, our own individual destiny lies in our hands.

It is time for us to rise for the occasion and meet our task with an unshakable commitment in making the right choices that our hearts believe in for the benefit of the whole.d. Let us choose our leaders that will lead this nation out of its rut and place it back upon the pedestal that it once belonged in the political arena of the world. We owe it to our future generation to achieve the impossible or we are doomed to fail and suffer the indignation for years to come. It is not too late to make amends and sacrifices will have to be made by many who holds sway the power to rule;  let your hearts  dictate your choices and your faith in God be your guide. God Bless us all and God Bless Malaysia.


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