Thursday, April 12, 2018

Can the mind be free of thought?- J. Krishnamurti

"Know thyself or seek the seeker," -. Ramana Maharshi

"We are the past, never the present". -J.Krishnamurti.

"Can the mind be free of thought?" - J.Krishnamurti

The mind is thought, it is a thought's projection of itself in the form of you and me, in the form of the whole structure of existence itself, not thought no mind; no mind no Buddha. having a mind is a prerequisite to being in the present as a human being or being human. though it is as according to one's perception of what a Mind really is or what a thought really is for that matter. 

On matter of the mind and th physical form as whole or what it is like being a human being and living on this Planet is concern I like taking the Buddha's point of views and in this case the "Wisdom beyond Wisdom Heart Sutra," comes to mind...

"Oh Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness and emptiness does not differ from form, that which is emptiness is form, the same it true with feelings, perceptions and impulses and eyes, no body no mind."

In this heart Sutra of the  Buddha the human mind is fully obliterated, annihilated and even the observer or witness of this event is gone, gone , beyond the concept of the word gone.Total  and complete enlightenme is a state of non duality, 'the merging of all differences in unity'. Complete perfect enlightenment is the outcome of having understood fully the nature of being and non being, The self is no more the observer or the witness, the self is dissolved into a state of nothingness where all forms becomes empty of their own being and I am pretty much quoting the Sutras here and there, not my own thoughts and ideas entirely. I am just connecting the dots again. 

The question was, "Can mind be free of thought?" and the answer is yes it can and no, it cannot. tI can if the mind can purely exist without any attachment to the external thought manifested formations- free of any relationships or dependencies, freey form of ultimately from any  of self identification - no self. Perhaps then it might be possible for the mind to be free from thought. being free from thought simply implies that one exist purely as pure consciousness not affected by time or change. Nothing to change and none to observe the difference made before or after. This in essence is my own perception on the matter and is based upon the teachings of the Buddha as contained in the Maha prajna paramita sutra or the 'Wisdom beyond wisdom heart sutra,' which is practiced by the Soto Zen schools of which I was once a student.
.Krishnamurti may vehemently differ to my views no doubt especially when i am eliciting the teachings of the Buddha and not my own personal perceptions. K is quick to put down anything and anyone who does not fit into his cut and dry directions and just as quick to deny any connection to the past great minds such as Gautama or Krishna or Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu, Christ or Muhammad even, as he never reads others or so he often impressed upon us; he may be right but he was not infallible. In his fervor to establish his stand over issues, K. often trample upon others and their views, he was merciless when it comes to making his point be well received and often rightfully so as he was authentically different as a thinker. 

For anyone who has taken upon themselves to understand the human mind in its entirety it is the ultimate challenge in understanding who we truly are. The mind is part and parcel of who we are but it is not the whole package; it is a convenience for us to exist as we are here and now. For those who makes it their vocation to self discovery, to understand fully the workings of the mind is crucial beyond doubt. Questions such as what is the subconscious mind, the dual thinking mind, what is mindfulness and mindlessness and so forth needs thorough investigation and right understanding and thus we often turn to the likes of K. and Jung and Alan Watts and Mooj and Satguru and the hosts of other great minds and thinkers throughout time, like Shri Ramana Maharshi. They have wrestled the devil within and left us their discoveries  which often may not be complete but they are a piece of the dot that we can use in order to complete our own understanding. I am n o hero or Guru worshipper and i have the tendency to knock down anyone I deem insults my intelligence with the notion that heirs is the only truth and so forth. I value and appreciate great wisdom that comes from within and as a result of a lifelong investigation. .

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