Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Oh, the Rain, When will it come?

The water level came right up to where I am standing when I was first here in  December-January. This was where I set up my first camping out for the trip which started back then. Is the climate change an issue in our lives? Take a close look at what is happening around us..We holld true that the dam will replenish itself when the rains come, when it comes.

The draught is far from over yet or so it seems and many here are talking or the El Nino effect in the very near future which would again change the weather which will effect the water levels on this Muda Dam. This is what sustains practically the northern region of the country and at the rate it is receding, there should long have been a cause for concern and i hope the realtad authorities are aware of the need to upgrade the water conservation  standards of these dams. 

Part of the explanation of why this dam water level is low is because this dam feeds water to lower Pedu Dam which is located close by. hence the water level at Pedu dam is being replenish all the time by the Muda Dam which is located at higher elevation.

A Beautiful young lady wondering what her future would be like if she keeps hanging around this place. I feel for her and I hope she will find her longing.

Sitting among friends. It is a blessing to be accepted wherever you are and this is worth the journey took to get there. You are not merely a customer who comes and goes but one of them. You touch their hearts and they yours sharing a moment of smiles and laughter's; Malay women are reserved by nature.

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