Sunday, April 01, 2018

You are looking foe answers - Are you?

How often you hear yourself or others complaining that, sometimes there is like a whole group of people debating on an issue in your head. Where do they come from? Not to worry biologist, behavioral scientists and neurologists and especially psychiatrists, will have an explanation for you in one form or another; it's normal most common folks say. Don't think too much, you got to sleep better, you are overworking yourself, take a vacation or do meditation, these are among the advice you can get free of charge if you develop such similar problem; too many voices in the head. yes, and which one am i to listen to and who is the one making the final say? Sometimes  it feels like you are running a boarding house in your skull and there seems to be little or nothing you can do about it but accept it as everyone else as a natural phenomena.

Time to wake up! Yes, time to take stock of who is who doing what up there.Taking for granted that things are kosher and going about your daily life as though this is the way it should be or has to be is not and option. You have to get rid of some of your unwanted guests especially those that seems like they are running your show for you. It is time for a housekeeping and spring cleaning of your psyche; do it Do not allow for illegal aliens and unwanted guests to reside in your inner sanctum, your sacred domain, your home. Of course most of these interlopers in our head are put there ourselves knowing or unknowingly, through our five senses we are like a sponge or a magnet attracting anything and everything that passes by in this river of consciousness and the more attractive the thing is the more we are stuck to it that eventually it becomes a part of who we think we are. Comes a time when we wonder why is our head so cluttered with all these thoughts and imaginations and our sleep is so infested with weird dreams.

But who really cares or pay attention to these petty issues that cannot be resolved in its entirety anyway. We will just shove it all under the rug of our subconscious and let it all hide there like forgotten files to be activated if and when needed or make believe that they are forever gone from our scanner. Well, they are there and will make their appearances  like it or not at the least expected moments in our daily lives. Oops, where did that come from? Did i said all those things. Nah! It can't be me, why would  I want to kill the guy just because he cut me off in the traffic? I am not a potentially violent person, am I? Hmm...

" All man's strivings have therefore been directed towards the consolidation of consciousness. This was the purpose of rite and dogma; they were dams and walls  to keep back the dangers of the unconscious, the "perils of the soul." Primitive rites consist accordingly in the exorcising of spirits, the lifting of the spells, and the averting of the evil omen, propitiation, purification, and the production by sympathetic magic of helpful occurrences."
C,G. Jung -pg.22 -47

As is often said, ignorance is bliss even if it might turn us unwittingly into zombies or the walking dead or worse yet cannibals that is bound and determined to gnaw into our own specie's innards out of sheer ignorance.' Man's ultimate desire is for peace, yet every nation is preparing for war.'   

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