Wednesday, May 15, 2024

If all goes accordingly I will have my hernia operation taken care of.


My daughter and I spent half the day at the Lam Wa Ee hospital to set up for my hernia operation. The evening before when I was waiting to pick my two kids up from their work i felt some pain in my groin where the hernia is and i told my daughter this and off hand i just said to her to inform my eldest son that instead of my teeth i would like to have my hernia problem taken care of. The same evening she told me that we were going to the hospital and take care of my problem as my son has agreed to foot the bill. i was surprised but accepted the offer and so this morning we were at the hospital making the appointment. It took me almost a month and a half sometime in December till January trying to get this done in Terengganu which I had written in this Blog and the outcome. I tried to get it done in Terengganu thinking that it would have cost me a whole lot less it being a government hospital, however it did not happen for obvious reasons and so I had put it off till now. I have always believe that things happen for a good reason even if i do not see them and my efforts were not in vain as something else had happened that would not have happened had I not made the trip to Pulau Kapas and visited the Klinik Marang,{re-previous blog} in order to initiate the process of getting an operation like getting to meet strangers who visited the Island and learning about my relationship with my twin brother at whose home I had stayed for my last week there. As it is said it is not the destination that matters but the path that one takes to get there.

What i had not mentioned in the first paragraph above is that just before my daughter walked up to me leaning against the car and looking up at the sky I had just angrily told my body{hernia}, "Fuck you if you feel like making my life a misery and fuck to all of you that is aching and causing this misery, like there is nothing better to do!" It was a stupid gesture but i felt deeply pissed off at my physical form, like my gums still hurting after over a week long of having my two teeth yanked out of my mouth and my nagging back ache and my migraine headaches; yes life is suffering but what the heck?! A second latter my daughter had her arm around me joining me and looking up at the sky said, "What a beautiful sky!" I agreed with her and after that was when I told her about my hernia pain. The pain had happened perhaps because I had spent an hour walking around the shopping mall adjacent to the office building where she worked as I had made it my habit to do my walking exercise while waiting to pick them up and sometimes also do some grocery shopping while at it. This is how i keep myself mentally and physically occupied if and when i have to spend time waiting for whatever either i take these walks or I'd read a book which I always have one handy with me in the car. This morning while waiting at the hospital I had a book entitled, "Midnight with the Mystic" a book written about an experience with Sadguru the famous Hindu Mystic. These days one rarely see someone reading a book in public while most of the time you see people staring into their hand phones, a book reader is becoming a rare specie indeed.

After a few hours of waiting and a short examination I have a appointment set for Thursday the 23rd of this month to have my hernia problem taken care of. I am grateful to my eldest son and my daughter for making this happen although I have had an earlier offer to have this done by one of my nephews but i did not take on the offer as i told my daughter this evening I did not feel right about it and i have excuse except my own gut feeling. Now that my son has offered to sponsor the operation cost even when he  most probably feels like his dad is an undeserving jerk, I am beginning to see the wisdom on my decision not to accept my nephew's offer. Don't get me wrong, I love my nephew very much and am proud of his accomplishments in life but my heart had a different feeling which I could not discern till now. Another reason which I did not foresaw that happened was that a month or two ago my elder sister had to have her foot amputated due to diabetic issues and my nephew had to bear this cost which would have been hard on him had he paid for my operation too. Whether right or wrong I had to trust my judgement in making my choices.       

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