Monday, May 20, 2024

Don't Blame it on the devil, blame yourself.

 Whatever one has to say or accuse or curse the Zionist Israel for has been expressed from the highest court of justice to the lowest of human society, hovels and ghettos throughout the globe. From the coffee shops in rural Malaysia to the halls of learning New York and London, the word is out that Israel has committed the heinous crime of genocide towards the people of Palestine. It is curse today to be a Palestinian and a Jew for both have become a victim of the same crime of genocide whether as the perpetrator or the victim of the atrocities committed. In this day and age of our so called civilized society, the world watches in horror as the conflict escalates towards a major geopolitical catastrophe as neighboring states are dragged into the fray of insanity as it spreads like a cancerous virus threatening every lifeforce in its path. Is Israel the final clarion call for the demise of humanity as foretold in the scriptures of the end of days? God's chosen people? Did it say what they were chosen for in the scriptures? According to the Quran the third and last of the Holy Books of the Judaic Christian and Islamic religions  the Jews have betrayed the covenant between God and themselves and thus cursed as race on the face of the earth. If one is to understand religion through historical facts and revelations, what is being committed in the Gaza today is epitome the Zionist Jewish fulfilment of the Quranic warnings with regard to why the Jews are to be shunned and rejected, this is historical manifestation of the Jewish Nation as forewarned by Islam; it is a self fulfilling prophecy. WallahuAlam, only the Lord knows. "All in the hands of Interpretation." as Israel Shrenzel wrote in his related article. Radical Islam.

The devil is as always in the details of any subject that we encounter where thorough study is required and I am no religious scholar nor do i claim much understanding of the historical facts of these matters, however i trust my own personal intuitive take as i witness the unfoldment of  humanity's path towards it own demise. No amount of justification can convince me of the wrong that is manifesting in Palestine no matter the cause. I do not need to study beyond what is before me as history transpires itself all over the world oh how evil man can become in the name of good. When Love and Compassion, Grace and Mercy is thrown to the wind man has no more claim to his divinity but has succumbed to his animal instincts. As the Buddha, the awakened one had declared, man suffers from three illnesses, Greed, Hate and Ignorance and for as long as he is ruled by his Ego these illnesses will rule his sanity. There is no good jew or bad jew, good Muslim or bad Muslim, there is only greed, hate and ignorance that governs man, that is leading him towards his self fulfilling end of self destruction. This is suffering in the worse form of suffering and to end this suffering there has be an end to the self, the ego, the 'I' that suffers. The ending of the I does not need to be in a violent and negative way but through Right Understanding, Right Mindfulness, Right Consciousness, Right Speech, and so forth as the Buddha had laid out in His Eighthfold Path, of each and every man on the personal level. This can only be attain through self discovery, in knowing who we are or how we are connected to the rest of our fellow man.

Man is given the faculty to think and this faculty is what keeps us at the top of the food chain for one thing and this is why we are also at the bottom most when our thoughts and thinking processes goes awry, out of sync, bred out of ignorance rather than wisdom. Man is alienated from his ability to think in the most positive and constructive manner when he allows for his ego or 'nafs' to be the guiding principle of his thought processes like he allows for his personal animal desires or lust to manipulate his more spiritual or divine nature into committing transgressions against his fellow man simply because he thinks he can afford to do so or is more than capable to do so. When dictated by the whims of the ego, man thinks of himself with arrogance and self-aggrandizements, with narcistic implications and possessive tendencies, dismissing his sense of fairness and most of all compassion towards others who he thinks are beneath him. This is man's ignorance of himself, his ability to harness his thoughts and ideas into a more  productive and being put to the service of the greater good of his fellow man; this is the inflated ego syndrome that man suffers from which often ends up in his undoing. The Malays have a saying that says, "Be like the shaft of rice that is full and bows due to its weight, not an empty shaft that stands upright but hollow of content." 

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword, likewise thought is mightier than the action; it took a single thought to create the Atom Bomb. In this day and age the powers that be, albeit the government or the religious institutions, the corporations or the military, maintains weary eye upon those who possess the habit of critical thinking. The dare to think out of the box or take a second look at what is considered the norm, to even dare to question the written words is taboo in most cultures and countries. However it is in the nature of man that he has a mind of his own when it comes to thinking and his thoughts knows no bounds for as long as it does not hinge upon the thoughts and believe of others in any negative way that would jeopardize his health and wealth. The mind is a God given faculty, it is a divine attribute that only man posses in the animal kingdom; it is either he uses it or abuses it that make the difference. 



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