Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Education Part 3 - Great Artists or Scientists do not make great School Teachers.


Sadly and not too soon into the future our children will be carrying out conversation like AIs, no feelings, no emotions, just plain old announcing. Laughter and sorrows would rarely be head or seen among the people at coffee shops or the laundromat as most will have their faces buried into their I-phones, Lap Tops or whatever else they had with them;  this is busy - ness. This is our future masks that we wear to hide our faces away from getting involved with the external world, with people, animals and the fresh air in general. We are buried underneath our own garbage as our mind and body is being inundated by incessant stimuli, data, information, stories and dramas most of which we seek to satisfy our own cravings or forms of escape from reality as is. We are till doing not too bad as our children are still in touch with us teaching us the latest in technology while we try to share the ancient wisdoms of the Rishis and Roshis. We know why we are here and what our sense of purpose is in relationship to them and they their responsibilities towards us, hopefully most of us do. What has education provided for us to counter this silent killer of human consciousness and well being? Drop all Arts and Humanities Courses and invite for more technological and scientific research project oriented courses too fill up future job market.

It is our children who is paying the price for the negligence and lack of strong foundation in the structuring of our educational system; it is off balance where the human psyche is concern it is good for the robotic manufacturing line of workers to keep the technological and scientific stake holders alive and well. The children who are fortunate to have a good home education from their parents relatives and friends, who are smart not to let the wi-fi take over their lives will do better to cope with the rising cause of psycho-emotional pain caused by the world of consumerism. Driving the latest model of Porche 11 at high speed off the cliff off Star Route 1 along the Pacific Coastal road would be the climax of what it means to have lived life for those who have become victims of their own devices. It is already happening rest assured as much or what we worry about today is happening somewhere already, suicides, overdoses, recklessness on public roads or rampage over innocent protesting school children who are expressing their love for the nation as a whole; their civil rights as a civilian. I still remember the day I waved the flag as a student for the Malaysian First Independence Day which took place at the Padang Kota Lama shouting Merdeka! at the top of my lungs full of spirit and  What does education has to teach today that will counter this trend of destructive human behaviors rampant all over the world?! What will happen when children totally forget how to pray or what to pray to in times of dire need.

" Chat-Gpt is generating new improved versions of how to use AI are hitting the market everyday! Bill Gates says Artificial Intelligence is as fundamental as the computer chip, the Internet and the PC. Apple CEO Tim Cook says, it will be a a part of every product going forward. PwC estimates that AI will add 15.7 Trillion to the Global Economy! And here's the million dollar question everyone should be asking,    a} Is AI just a Fad?

b}Did I miss out on the AI boom?

c} What AI stock should I buy?

An ad, that came on YouTube.

More than 1 thousand walked out of the Graduation ceremony in honor of their 13 fellow undergraduates who were denied their Graduation due to being involved in anti-Government protest. Listen to the valedictorian speech given by a student on this issue. Modern educators should pay close attention to this historic event that involves the education of students today. - on Democracy Now with Emi Goodman.

There is no need to look too far when it comes to the failures in our educational system. Malaysia is sitting upon a barrel of rotting apples and the Education ministries are at logger heads as to how or what to do. Teachers with high credibility and experience in their profession is becoming a rarity and most of those who still brave the task are not well paid enough to keep their enthusiasm in giving their best to their students. I do not need to try to explain how hard it is to be a teacher and I have witnessed my eldest brother and sister in law went through life as lifelong teachers to know that it takes some special people to become great school teachers. Great Scientists, great Musicians, great Soccer players great pilots do not make great school teachers and as such school teachers should be placed high up there among the achievers of society and in this country of Malaysia, they should at the very least be awarded a Datukship by the King.  

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