Friday, May 31, 2024

Education Now and Then...Part 5


Life itself is one long education for the body the mind and the soul at least while we are still breathing in and out. If one takes a very detailed and close observation of the things one had experienced throughout one's life one begins to see what life is all about at all levels, at least glimpses of what one consider to be reality or the real side of life not the illusions that life is throwing at you. Again i say you to me when i write and is in no way to teach but merely share life from one perspective or one witness/ observer of life. Hence scholastic education should reflect life's long journey of education, of research and development of discovery and rejections, of denial and acceptance all then some. E= MC2 is the motion of life not just a mathematical equation. The Hindu Vedas have thousand of years ago had proven this equation and came up with a Divine Practice of Jivan Mukhta . 

"A jīvanmukta, literally meaning 'liberated while living',[1] is a person who, in the Vedānta philosophy, has gained complete self-knowledge and self-realisation and attained kaivalya (enlightenment) or moksha (liberation), thus is liberated while living and not yet died.[2][3] The state is the aim of moksha in VedāntaYoga and other schools of Hinduism, and it is referred to as jīvanmukti.[4][5][6]"

For those who have chosen this path of self realization in this day and age will encounter a whole lot of pain and suffering just by witnessing the state of humanity around him/her. The Goddess of mercy or better known as Kuan Yin, the manifestation of the Bodhisatva Avalokiteshvara or Buddha of Compassion is depicted with a thousand arms an is attributed with the ability to hear the cry of suffering of pain from a single soul where ever on the planet and when called upon will deliver the suffering being from darkness to light and peace. By this very virtue we who aspire for liberation from this cycle of life, death and rebirth or attain to the Kingdom of Heaven will become more subservient to the call of human sorrow and by becoming awakened to the reality of existence we will do our utmost to become a Buddha and lead more of our fellow man into the divine Light of Consciousness. To become a Buddha may take eons of life times but to become enlightened can happen on the spur of the moment like a flash of lightning. Only a fully awakened mind can arrest the flash of a lightning and hold it for eternity and this is what my education as led me to over these years. 

I still remain as ignorant as I ever was and has been, however what I write comes from my own self realization or what bit and pieces of me I maintain to be the truth of who I am. My lifelong career as written in this Blog has been mostly challenging and full of excitement, I cannot say that I have had one long boring career that had eaten a good portion of my adult life but I must admit to myself that the more than 30 jobs I had held throughout my life had all been an education that no school system can provide. As the Devil is in the details, I can only say read! Perhaps there is something worthwhile that can be learned from this sharing of thoughts and consciousness. There is neither right or wrong way, there is only the way and the way is without empty of any thoughts,  or belief systems, any concepts or ideas, the way is the Middle Way. the 'straight and narrow path' that leads towards the Divine Consciousness, our original Buddha Nature, that which we came from our Creator. One surrenders, fully submit to this with full of faith and take refuge in The Lord of Creation. If you are nonbeliever or an Atheist I would not know what to say except that you might try to find an equation the fits you lifestyle so that you can hand it down to your children and theirs down the line. 

It sounded like I was preaching at in the last few paragraphs, I actually was. I was preaching to myself, I am the only one that matters whether things are right or wrong, real or unreal, genuine of fake and I have to strive to become impeccable at what i intend to do and to achieve in this life. I am not writing to show how I have almost mastered the art of writing or that ideas are floating in my brain and only i am too scared to reveal some of them by repeating the devil being in the detail like a broken record. I have my own demons to slay or win over and these are no neighborhood gang members these are real persistent and and downright aggressive when it comes to holding on to their territories or claiming you to become a a member of the gang. The prophet of Allah I heard is said to have said after a victory over his enemies, that more awesome more challenging Jihad you will face is the one within you.  The battle is between you and your ego, your nafs or as the Malays calls it nafsu. This much I deduced from chatting and listening to those who knew much better than me on the subject. Being eclectic by nature I skim the top off the food i am offered tasting the best appreciating what I am being offered by my teachers, my gurus and relatives and friends. I am not in the habit of accumulating everything i listen to or watch as they happen in their entirety I skip the details as they have become repetitious over the years and the lessons to be learned has become redundant or irrelevant. I know i cannot stop or empty my mind all i one shot but I can change it at my will, my awareness, my observation and detection, I scrutinized my every thought and actions immediately after they have occurred and this has become habit that is both good and bad.

After my college years at the UWGB in Wisconsin I graduated with a self designed Bachelor of Arts  degree and again this too can be referred to in past postings of this Blog on the subject. I achieved a dream that i never even dreamt of possible. I graduated as a University student something i could never have done had i lived in Malaysia as by the Malaysian educational system I did not do well n my School Certificate exam an thus was not qualified for higher education. But not in the United States, there if you can pass the SAT Test you qualify to go to college. My gratitude to the few friends and councilors who helped me to out of my miserable life of a packing house meat boner and on the way to becoming a tonified alcoholic with a broken home These few people saved my life by opening the door to further my education; Mr. Alan Hautamaki, Mr. Armstrong the math councilor who cured me of my math phobia when I had to sit for the SAT test. I told Alan who was my neighbor that if i have to do the math test he can forget it but he insisted that studied under Mr. Armstrong. It was like someone had unshackled me and set me free to be who I chose to be and a whole filed of possibilities was thrown open to me when I started my college years. I owed the University  USD10000 for my university studies and it took me exactly ten years to finish paying it back; it was worth every dime of it!

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