Wednesday, June 03, 2020

What do I think of What is happening in the United States?

And what do I this think of the situation in the US with the George Floyd unfortunate incident? Not much really except I feel for the average American living day to day their lives whatever their colors may be. I have lived for 21 years of my life there and there are more than a few I would consider my brothers and sisters of an extended family, I feel for them and pray that this too will blow over soon. America is a huge country stretching from Alaska in the north to Florida in the south, New York in the East and San Francisco in the west and took three days to cross from one city to the other on the bus. America is no doubt a vast and beautiful country with lots of good hearted people as well as the racists and pedophiles, just like anywhere else in the world today. But as whole the nation will run through the gauntlet of surviving the economic fallout alone not to mention all the rest. 

I think America is like one epic Hollywood movie in the making, a self fulfilling historical prophecy of self destruction and hopefully regeneration in the making, like, lets hope for a happy and fruitful ending for all and not just the Directors and Producers. America is John Wayne riding off into the sunset after having cleaned up a town with his fists and carbine rifle. America will survive this wave of chaos and destruction but it will remain the same and not change simply because the American Dream was build upon blood, guts and tears of the Native Americans and cannot be washed away in one or two generation nor is the African American Matters issue will ever be resolved, at least not in my lifetime. America will implode, the country will go through one upheaval after another, but like Wounded Knee Incident, America will rise from the smoldering ashes and heal, rebuild itself to greater heights and with greater sensitivity towards what is being a human. What is Love and respect, what is not being judgmental or condescending towards another human being. Simple and straight forward acts of kindness and charitable heart. Where or when did we lost all these virtues? 

I try not to think most of the time, but it gets in time to stop thinking totally and allow the mind to sort of disperse like dewdrops evaporating in the the morning sun; the mind has a mind of its own and that mind too has a mind of its own and so on. So if I am to think, well I think Americans have to do much more than self- discovering or soul searching as to how to heal the wounds of history that the non whites have suffered and make amends far greater than just saying we shall overcome! Americans as a whole will have to step up and into the crucible of fire and brimstone and be sanctified by the Trust in God; In God We Trust, is not just a rhetoric the Forefathers had coined for our faith alone but it was a fare warning to those who were yet to come and rule the Nation as Presidents and Congressmen. The White House for one should not be called the White House but something else not a offensive by it inference alone...The White House! as opposed The Black House? The Color has been dealt even at the very beginning, but such is, we either see it or we choose to blind. 

Racism is a factor that is tearing at the very fabric of most countries that has a multiracial, multi religion and multi-whatever else where relationships  for with each group becomes a critical issue for its survival. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out, but most of humanity is definitely blind to it, most living in denial that Racism is a sickness that needs to be healed, it needs to be uprooted from its very core, impossible as it may sound. When Racism is fueled by Greed, Hate and Delusion, we have a situation, a breach in our consciousness that will not go away until resolved at the very depth of our personal being, simply to understand that We Are One! We are interdependent and no one tribe hold the monopoly of running this Planet we call our Home. If we drown we will drown together and if we rise we will rise as One and there's no two ways about it. Spell in any language, call it by any name, God is One, to Trust in God simply means to become the One Collective Spirit, The Nation Indivisible... What I think of America today?      

Still one of the greatest nation on Earth because she has given us Carlos Santana and Eric Clapton, Jim Beam and Humbolt Gold, America is Home of the Brave where the Buffaloes roam, that had almost wiped out the Braves and the Buffaloes from the face of the Earth not long ago. This is America,  what so proudly we hail, Love it or Leave it.  She will never ever be occupied by another Nation but she will implode under the weight of her own making unless a viable valve can be found to release the pressure mounting from within and without. Give the people what they need, the bare necessities to live with pride and dignity and it is not impossible if the wealth of the Nation is not buried in the vaults of the few and the gap between rich and poor keeps getting separated further. Perhaps with intention, perhaps, the meantime, the Riots and the Protests, the Looting and Plundering, the Abuse and destructive forces will prevail. America will suffer but she will rebound...after all She gave us the like of Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson.    

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