Thursday, April 18, 2024

Why Did Hamas Do What They Did?


So why did Hamas did what they did on Oct. 7th? My take has always been that they did it out of desperation and in order to wake up humanity to the plight of the Palestinian people who for the past 70 odd years have been suffering at the hands of the Zionist Regime of Israel. All these years the people of Palestine have been crying out to deaf ears and each year things was getting worse for them while the rest of the world did not pay much attention to their plight. Hamas knew what they were getting into and were willing to take the risk which is to the present day genocidal retaliation of the Zionist regime under the merciless leadership of the Prime Minister Satan Yahoo. {Yes i have only a disgust for this demon who seek to fulfill his geopolitical agenda at the cost of multitude of human sacrifice.} Satan himself could not have had a better cohort than this murderer of women and children. There I have at last allowed myself to express my feelings about the whole mess in the Middle East. To a man like this God does not exist and thus he has no fear of the retribution in the afterlife if he even believe in such a thing. For many years I have been subscribing to the Palestinian posts on Face Book and am weary of what goes on there from the days of the Intifadah until not too long ago I stopped getting any more news, it was as though I was blocked. A part of me says that it is all meant to be and there is nothing that i can do about it, like it is ordained by the All Mighty, however a part of me refuses to let it go as the injustice I keep witnessing has become so blatant and extremely brutal to accept.

Now Hamas has achieved its intention and at what cost, the Palestinian population has become their own sacrificial lambs on the altar of a demonic cabal that is out to dominate the world even if it means bringing it to an end and perhaps this is the intention. A self fulfilling prophecy of the End of Days and  the coming of the Messiah, yada, yada. As it is Netizens are posting angels in the skies with sounds of trumpets and the Four Horse men riding across the blazing skies! The Evangelist in America are all up in arms crying for war that will end all wars and hail the coming of their Messiah only chances are they are not the ones that are sent to the front lines when the big battle ensues as most are too old to bear arms. Why is humanity so bound and determined to call it quits, why are we so hung up on causing pain and suffering even to ourselves not to mention the rest of sentient beings that inherit this planet? What gives us the right?! Are we so tired of living and yet we keep on producing more babies every chance we get? What kind of legacy do we hope to leave behind for those innocent children we out of our lustful desires have spawned into existence? It is a taboo to mention an illness too often and too loudly without it being an invitation  manifesting into a reality, such is the believe of many older cultures when sanity was still intact but today every yo yo is screaming Armageddon in the Media and on the Internet. It seems like a bad horror movie getting out of hand.

Yes I am getting sucked into the vortex of this Black Hole in the making like most everyone else even if I know and believe that it is all an illusion, that it is all a mindscape a mental delusion that I ma projecting beyond what is as I too am complicit in creating this scenario whereby in contributing to the madness as a witness I am feeding it the energy. The more i project the more real it is becoming, like there is no other options left to rewrite the script and alter the course. Like the rest of my fellow man I too am involve in the making of the show; whr4e is the Buddha when I need Him? Where is Christ when I need Him where is Muhammad, where is Brahman? I heard it said that there is one thing that God cannot do and that is break His promise. As a Muslim, a Christian , a Jew we keep praying for deliverance from this impending disaster of our own making and as promised Hew will fulfill our prayers, would He? Would he stop the killing and the murdering the plundering and the raping? Would he intervene soon enough before we become totally inhuman and act like beasts towards one another worse than the animals? The Gods may have their plans but as a man I have about had it with the feeling that I am being used a  pawn in a chess game of good vs evil both on the personal and the universal or cosmic level. Like Gautama, The Buddha, I too would like to step off this runway train headed for self destruction if it is for no good reason.

For a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim there is the prospect of heaven or hell in the afterlife or when you die, but for a Buddhist heaven and hell are where you are at. For so long as there is an 'I' that exist, there is suffering, no I no suffering. If no I who is there to suffer? However to let go of this I is one big problem that most man cannot attain unless he attains enlightenment like the Buddha did. The Historical Buddha was a man just like you and me, a man who saw the illusory of life as it is being able to fully discern the difference between what is real and what is not. The Buddha penetrated through the veils of Maya and overcame his clinging on to this material realm of conditioned existence or this matrix we assume to be who we are and became fully liberated from the bounds of the I consciousness or as some calls it the Ego consciousness. With this achievement the Buddha ceased as a being and merged back into the Source of Beingness.  NO heaven, NO hell, only God? 

Why did Hamas inadvertently sacrificed the lives of the Children of Palestine? Perhaps because it is more potent than the red cows that the Jews are preparing to offer their God.

WallahuAlam! Only God knows?

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