Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Chess Game of Life.


This morning I said farewell to two of my front teeth one of the most painful farewell a man can endure despite the multiple shots of  Procaine or Novocain to deadened the pain. The young Chinese was  nice it touring me while a young Indian lady held my head making sure that i did not eject from the dental chair.. When it all ended after much struggle and jaw busting pain I ended up having to pay RM240 RM200 of which was given to me by my Professor friend who lives on the 4th. floor and fortunately i had RM50 in my wallet to add on to the bill. Now with two teeth less in my mouth I am feeling the wear off pain which comes like a wave through my brain reminding me that letting go is never easy even if it is your teeth.  It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture by the Professor to come up with the money to cover the dental cost and when I asked him why, he said it was a new year gift as it was the Tamil calendar New Year. Earlier in the morning after feeding the pigeons and doing the dishes, I had sat outside as always did and asked the Lord to help me out to make things easier form me in seeing through the day. I had as always asked for forgiveness and wished gratefulness and asked for His Love and Compassion and acceptance of this sinner; I believe he had come through for me as far as taking care of my teeth is concern. After more than half an hour and loads of Procaine injected into my mouth the dentist and his assistant still had problem extracting my bottom tooth I quietly asked my Lord for His intervention and before i could even finish with my 'doa' or prayer the Dentist declared it was over, the stubborn tooth was out. 70 odd years of service grinding and chomping has come to an end for two dedicated members of this ageing body. I make it a habit of thanking my legs and arms and nose and eyes and ears ant the rest of my body for the service rendered for as along as I have lived: weird? Not if you are taught by the Good Book that they will bear witness to every deed you have done in your lifetime on Judgement Day.

Iran has been finally dragged into the Zionist campaign of war and chaos all over the Middle East, the ultimate goal of the Satan Yahoo the Israeli Prime Minister who seek to stay in office through spreading death and destruction wherever and whenever he  could. It seems life has no value whatsoever t this right hand of the Anti-Christ, for this is who i see him as he is. Ignorance is ablaze all over the world leading to hatred and feeding the greed that had been the primal cause of all human conflicts. How mankind has led himself astray from his God given virtues of Love and Compassion towards his fellow man only the Lord and the Devil knows for it is at the end of the day a battle of good and evil we are facing like it or not. We as a member of humanity are all each and everyone of us complicit in the making of our final downfall. Collectively  and through our elected representative we are responsible for every child, every woman and men killed in the name of justice and freedom. We are and never be free from carrying the cross of human indignity and suffering caused by the those who have been able to manipulate and exploit our greed, hate and ignorance to the service of their cause and intentions and that being of world dominance. The United Nations Assembly has become a finger pointing assembly where a whole lot of words are bring uttered with no action taken for or against the perpetrators of the chaos in the making. A whole lot of hot air and nothing concrete but tenuous lame excuses floats here and there out of anger and fear of retaliation form the larger and more dominant nations. The UN has become like a bunch of toothless tigers taking a spineless growl at those who carry out the genocide happening around the world and not only in Gaza. It is high time the UN put its foot down and go to war and screw the Security Council the bedrock or all human failures in the General Assembly of Nations. Like the Lady from South Africa suggested, it is time to send in the Army before the aids.

The Malaysian Government recently announced the arrest of an Israeli Spy along with a good supply of guns and ammunitions in his hotel room and along with him two locals also apprehended, so what gives? Has what the Prime Minister said in his address in Germany made an impact over the situation in Palestine? Is the King also a target so as to create more chaos than just the word Allah printed on socks? The tentacles of sowing chaos and discord all over the world by the Zionist regime must never be underestimated by any opposing country. This regime will go to any extent to spread chaos among nations and their internal security, these masters of clandestine schemes are capable of infiltrating  any national security of a nation as the have the expertise better than any in doing so. Countries with religious frictions or racial strife are easy victims to their clandestine operations. The Devil is indeed in the details when it comes to the diabolical nature in which this regime will go  take in order to draw the world into a chaos never to recover from except through a World War. WhY? Only God and the Devil Knows! Man is just a pawn in the Chess Game of Life, the key players or the masters  are those who truly run the religion and the commerce of the world and they sit on the thrones of Religion and Industries they live in Europe and America headed by the smallest of nations like Israel; their head resides in the Vatican; here good and evil resides under the same roof. 

Jordan Maxwell was one of those great minds whose thoughts over time I had the opportunity to follow and pondered upon, today he makes sense more than ever before especially his views on the powers of Symbols throughout the history of man.


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