Friday, April 05, 2024

What have the Fasting Month Revealed thus Far?


"I'm Whole, Complete and Perfect, Strong and Powerful, Harmonious and Happy and I can do what I will to do. So help me Lord."

I am the master of my thoughts and consciousness,

I am the master of my Body Speech and Mind,

I am the master of my environment and circumstances, 

I am the master of my own Destiny.

I am that, I am.

I am not the body nor am I the mind,

My body and mind are my tools and vehicle of my self expression, my physical projections,

Hence i care for my body and mind as I would my car making sure all elements are in balance, to optimize how i function in this life.

I take refuge in Allah, Lord of Creation and the One and only. {as I was born a Muslim}. The word God doe not carry water for me as it never existed in the Torah, the Bible or the Quran, it is word when reversed spells Dog. Thus "In Dog we Trust." Words are the first that can be corrupted in the most subtlest form if not used with full Consciousness and Right Understanding. In the Beginning was the 'Word."...

I take refuge in the teachings of Gautama the Historical Buddha when in dealing with life's trials and travails. I take refuge in Jesus as The Messiah and in the Prophet Muhammad as the the Messenger of Allah.

 The rest - WallahuAllam. Only the Lord is Aware.

I affirm these to myself on these days of the Fasting Month Ramadan, Insha'Allah.

Spiritual faith and belief is as sacrosanct to each and every individual as his thumb print, there is none who could lay claim on the faith of others regardless of how diverse it may seem from one's own. It is not for us to criticize or judge over another's faith unless that individual imposes his or her belief and faith over yours. There is only one summit to the Mystic Mountain but there's numerous route to the top as there is only one ocean and numerous rivers that leads to it.

Jivan Mukhta or "Liberated while Living," has to be the goal of every living being on this planet and Self Realization is the spiritual quest that leads to this. Awakening to the Inner being, to the Spiritual consciousness of the True Divine Nature in all of us is our duty towards attaining Self Liberation.

No matter how heavy you may feel your burden is, always know that, 'and this too will pass.' There is nothing permanent in this life and Change is not a bad thing. Impermanence is a cause of suffering.

I have often claimed myself as an Eclectic and as such I pick and choose the best of all possibilities in any given subject. There is no right or wrong in this life only the failure to fully understand what is right or wrong. Right or wrong is a sickness of the mind and ignorance is a cause of suffering.

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