Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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 Gravitas, Times of India, Hindustan Times, Janta Ka Reporter, Firstpost.; what have these Web Sites in common? They are all originating from India and they cover the Middle east and global issues like a Bollywood Action Movie often accompanied by a intense music scores like the Jason Bourne series of Hollywood. These sites sensationalize the events they report making it like you are watching a war series in the making; at least they are not boring to watch and they stick to facts as things happen more or less. These net sites I find are like hoping and yearning for bigger and larger things to happen that is worth presenting in the news and the images that are often repetitive images from various time span and different takes of ongoing events from various other sources of video footage  are intertwined to present a narrative for the viewing public taste for excitement and sensationalism. In other sites images of war machines from sea, air and on land were kept on being displayed as a background prop as the narrator presents his story, like video presentations by Scott Ritter. It is a waste of time for me to entertain this narrative and so I am letting it drop for now and move on to more up an personal stories of my life. War is officially being declared between the two old adversaries Iran and Israel anyway, so let's just watch on how this play out and how it affects the rest of us. Remember if you are bored watch Gravitas or Times of India {ToI} updates on how the events are progressing and hopefully at the end of the day someone somewhere will say enough is enough and push the button, yelling, Yippee Ka Yea! Mother Fuckers! It is also worth noting for future reflections, the United States Vetoed the acceptance of Palestine as a member of the UN a day ago. World's most powerful nation taking on the world's poorest and abused state? One wonders what they really got against the Palestinian people that they are willing to compromise their national integrity as a democratic and, "Land of the free and Home of the Brave," standing.

Bullying comes in all shapes and sizes and it is never good when the big and strong and powerful takes advantage over the weak and down trodden on any given level of life; today The US is a big bully and Israel is the tool and proxy for this and vice versa. On the personal level one can tell a bully before they open their mouth and when they do it is always confrontational and hurtful in nature. may Allah dissuade one from ever becoming a bully in life. The practice of Loving kindness and Compassion is inherent in all of us and it has been handed down by generations of seers and wisemen oof the ages, in all scriptures and teachings from those living in the forest to those in the cities, however today these teachings are eroded by time and mindsets that are more and more geared towards survival of the fittest and the influences of Greed, hate and Ignorance. I keep reminding myself this over and over just so i do not get trapped into the same groove. I love life and I love people, I love the environment and the universe, but there times and moments when I am yanked from these positive feelings and thrown into the chaos and confusion often driving me to become insane of filled with fear and doubts. When this negative vibes hit me I turn to my Maker, my Lord and Provider for refuge: as a Muslim I turn to the AlMighty Allah {SWT}. To God or Christ and as a Christian, The Source, The Supreme Consciousness and so on. As the fans sing it at the Liverpool soccer games, "You Never Walk Alone," or as said in Islam, "Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein."


Dieu et Mon Droit.

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